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How to Make the Best Barbecued Ribs


照片:Joanne Smart和Mark Ferri
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Whenever I teach a class on barbecue, it seems that all people really want to hear about is ribs. Which are better, beef or pork? Baby back or spare? Kansas City style or St. Louis? A rub or a marinade? Barbecue sauce or no barbecue sauce?

在我回答之前,您需要了解有关我的一些知识。尽管在自以为是的烧烤世界中很少见,但我不喜欢将我的信念强加给任何人。我的笑话,是的;我的信念,不。相反,我坚持说:“这是一种成功的方法。”因此,当我给您肋骨的美味食谱时,我希望我也能给您足够的专业知识,以便您可以修改食谱。因为那是烧烤的乐趣 - 一直在努力使它变得更好。考虑到这一点,这是我对上面提出的问题的回答:猪肉,备用,堪萨斯城,摩擦和酱汁,因此可以依靠。


Done properly, both baby back ribs (which come from the loin, or back, of the pig) and spareribs (which come from the front part of the belly) are wonderful. But I almost always go for spareribs, which, though a tougher cut, ultimately cook up more juicy and tender. The more expensive baby backs take less time to cook, but their more delicate nature makes them easier to overcook.





Give the ribs a rub. A good rub begins with equal amounts of sugar and salt; add to this chili seasoning and black pepper in equal amounts, plus paprika for color and you’ve got your basic rub. The final four ingredients in the rub recipe are where you can have fun playing, substituting and adding your favorite dried herbs and spices.

经过the way, chili seasoning (also called chili powder) is chile powder (note the eat the end of chile in this case, meaning ground dried chiles) that’s combined with other dried herbs and spices.


Author Paul Kirk shows what a properly devoured rib should look like.


Indirect cooking means the ribs are cooked slowly by smoke over a fire that has burned down to coals. The most delicious spareribs will take at least five hours to cook. That may seem like a long time, but if you set up your barbecue as sugested in the recipeKansas City Style Barbecued Ribs, you don’t need to do much to the ribs once they’re cooking. The main thing is to check the temperature inside the grill with a thermometer, one that came with the grill or one you rig yourself through an air vent. The temperature should hover between 230° and 250°F. You can adjust the temperature of the grill by allowing more or less air in through the vents.


Use a good-quality charcoal with as few additives as possible. Even better, try using lump hardwood charcoal which burns cleaner though hotter. For lump hardwood charcoal and hardwood chunks, call People’s Woods in Rhode Island, (800/ 729-5800 or 401/725-2700) or Lazzari Fuel Company in San Francisco (800/242-7265). As for the wood chips, most people think we barbecuers always use hickory. But I find hickory can be harsh, especially when used alone. I prefer to use some pieces of apple and oak, which I don’t bother soaking.

To start the fire, you can use a barbecue chimney (my preferred method), an electric starter, kindling, or a blowtorch. Just stay away from chemical starters, which can give your food a chemical flavor.

A water pan keeps the meat from drying out. I always cook ribs on the grill over a pan full of water. Aside from acting as a drip pan, the water adds moisture to the mix, keeping the ribs juicy. I use a bread pan I found at a tag sale for 25 cents, but a disposable aluminum pan would do the trick.


Start by scraping away any excess fat with a small knife. A little fat is fine, but too much will cause your fire to flare up.

  • 从骨头上脱下坚硬的膜。减少膜下方t水平狭缝he rib tips. Wiggle your finger beneath the membrane to get it loosened and then pull.
  • Find the skirt- 弯曲骨头底部的肉质瓣,并从边缘的厚白色膜上修剪。
  • Cut off the rib tips—but save them for the grill. Cutting off the tips just makes the ribs easier to handle—you won’t have this floppy part sitting on top. Feel where the first large rib bone ends and cut horizontally. This shouldn’t be a struggle— you’re cutting cartilage, not bone.


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