皇家糖霜带来了用来制造的生蛋清的沙门氏菌感染的微小风险。如果您想完全消除这种风险,请使用干燥或新鲜的巴氏杀菌白色。寻找干蛋白粉或者蛋白酥皮粉(干燥的蛋清粉加糖和稳定剂)在市场的烘焙区中。在制作糖霜之前,您需要重新构造粉末,如艾比·道奇(Abby Dodge)的食谱蛋白糖霜。
新鲜的巴氏灭菌蛋清将其保存在其他鸡蛋和鸡蛋产品附近的乳制品箱中。Depending on your store, you may fi nd cartons of whole in-shell pasteurized eggs (look closely at all the cartons because they’re packaged just like regular eggs and are sometimes hard to notice), or you may fi nd containers of liquid egg whites. Use fresh pasteurized egg whites just as you would use regular egg whites.