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照片:Scott Phillips
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如今,很容易获得来自世界各地的惊人巧克力 - 直到最近才被认为是烘烤的好方法。现在,从布朗尼到生日蛋糕中使用一流的巧克力并不罕见。的确,最好使用可以找到的最佳成分,但是如果您认为优质巧克力是浓郁巧克力甜点的关键,请再考虑一下。当涉及到深黑巧克力味时,很难打败普通的古老可可粉。

Cocoa and chocolate: What’s the difference?

可可绝不比巧克力少的产品。相反,这是一种更纯净的巧克力形式。巧克力有两个主要成分 - 豆果固体(来自味道的位置)和可可黄油(富含丰富质地的位置)。可可粉中的可可黄油很少。主要是可可固体。换句话说,您可以将可可粉视为巧克力,其中大部分可可黄油已去除。可可粉通常仅包含10%至12%的可可黄油,而纯净的巧克力含量约为55%。因此,可可粉盎司盎司,可以添加更大的巧克力风味,因为您获得了更多的可可固体和更少的可可脂。


食谱s that use cocoa often specify either natural or Dutch-process cocoa. Dutch-process cocoa has been treated with alkali, which increases the pH and mellows sharp flavors. You may find that Dutch-process cocoa tastes flat compared to natural cocoa, so it’s important to use a good brand. It’s best to keep both kinds of cocoa on hand for baking cakes, because the success of recipes that call for one or the other depends on the batter having a specific pH. If you have a strong preference for one type of cocoa, though, it’s fine to substitute a portion of it into any recipe, even cakes.


When I create a recipe for a chocolate dessert, flavor isn’t the only attribute I consider—texture is also important. The finished texture of a dessert is strongly influenced by the types of fat in the recipe, be it butter, oil, cocoa butter from chocolate, or a combination.

In creamy desserts, chocolate’s usually best.一些甜点需要只能可可黄油提供的柔滑感。可可脂是一种异常的脂肪,因为它在非常接近我们体温的温度下融化。在室温下硬且坚固的巧克力在舌头上感觉很丰富。在布丁,Ganache和Mousses中,可可黄油的豪华口感确实发光了,因此对于这些甜点,巧克力(是的,您能找到的最好的)几乎总是比可可粉更可取。这并不意味着可可粉是这种食谱的禁忌。实际上,在布丁或慕斯和巧克力的情况下加一两汤匙或两汤匙可以提高风味,而不会改变蛋ust的设置。

在蛋糕中,选择更为复杂。Cakes made with cocoa and cakes made with chocolate can differ remarkably in flavor and texture. And those differences have a lot to do with the other fats used in the recipe.

用可可粉和油制成的蛋糕嫩嫩且风味浓郁。例如,考虑魔鬼蛋糕。其深flavor, dark color, and moist texture come from pairing cocoa powder with oil. The flavor is intense because there’s no milk or butter to dilute the pure chocolate flavor of the cocoa solids. (My favorite devil’s food cake recipe calls for about a third as much cocoa as flour: ¾ cups unsweetened cocoa powder to every 2½ cups flour.) And the texture is moist because vegetable oil is liquid at room temperature (and even when cool), unlike butter and cocoa butter, which are solid. You can serve devil’s food cake refrigerator-cold, and it will still be exceptionally tender.

用巧克力制成的巧克力蛋糕,on the other hand, is temperature-sensitive. If you’ve ever been served a slice of cold chocolate cake that was dry and crumbly, it may well have been made with chocolate. Remember, cocoa butter is hard even at cool room temperature. The cake’s flavor suffers, too, because the cocoa butter is what carries the chocolate flavor, and the colder it is, the longer it takes to melt on your tongue and release the flavor. This is not to say that cakes made with chocolate are unpleasant; you just need to remember to serve them at room temperature. And, the fact is, the cocoa butter can make for a pleasantly firm cake, especially if the recipe contains at least 4 ounces of unsweetened chocolate—think of a rich Bundt cake with a dense, springy crumb.

In brownies, cocoa yields chewy results, while chocolate gives a fudgy texture.巧克力爱好者可能对布朗尼蛋糕很卑鄙,但事实是可可粉使浓郁的耐嚼的布朗尼蛋糕制作。布朗尼蛋糕在糖,脂肪和鸡蛋含量高但面粉较低时耐嚼。其最终纹理的最后一个变量是配方中使用的脂肪的性质 - 特别是在温度下脂肪的硬脂肪的硬度。黄油在室温下柔软,因此用可可加黄油(或油)制成的布朗尼具有明显柔软的耐嚼性质地。味道浓郁巧克力,具有美妙的挥之重性黄油味。相比之下,用巧克力加黄油制成的巧克力蛋糕通常更坚固,几乎是富丽的,因为可可在室温下比黄油硬。食谱所包含的巧克力越多,布朗尼蛋糕就会越多。


Here’s an easy way to experience the difference between cocoa and chocolate. My recipe forhot cocoa(front cup) uses cocoa powder (with milk) and it’s plenty chocolatey. The cup in the background is热可可, made with chopped bittersweet chocolate. The cocoa butter makes it taste richer, but the chocolate flavor is more muted at first.


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