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加布里埃尔·汉密尔顿(Gabrielle Hamilton)是一位对文学倾向的厨师修剪在纽约市的东村。(Prune, by the way, was Hamilton’s childhood nickname.) She opened the unpretentious neighborhood spot with its classic cocktails and laid-back tunes on the sound system in 1999, with a menu full of dishes such as spatchcocked pigeon, roasted marrow bone, and seared duck breast. Fifteen years later, Hamilton hasn’t changed course from where she started.

“I’d always wished that I could go to this restaurant that I wanted to be in existence,” she told the纽约时报,“所以我只是做了一个。这并不是我发明任何东西。已经有煎蛋卷了。情歌已经写了,伙计。我只是在唱歌。”

汉密尔顿(Hamilton鲜血,骨头和黄油:不情愿厨师的无意冒险。The stories she spun about growing up in a fractured family in New Hope, Pennsylvania, and of traveling without a dime to her name, of starting out in restaurants as a kid washing dishes, of catering and working with chef Misty Callies at Ann Arbor’s Zanzibar while she was still working on her Master’s—all came together in a work of humor, honesty, and lyricism. And it won the James Beard Foundation’s award for Writing and Literature in 2012. As纽约时报汉密尔顿女士在页面和厨房中写道:“有时在一系列句子的过程中都可以迷人,幽默,卑鄙,庸俗,诗意,挑衅和母亲。”发稿时,这本书的电影正在制作中,由格温妮丝·帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)主演。

汉密尔顿还与厨师鲍比·弗莱(Bobby Flay)作战美国铁厨师(并赢),是出版物的贡献者,包括纽约客,,,,纽约时报,,,,GQ,,,,BonAppétit,,,,保存, 和食品和美酒。她是一位散文家,他的作品出现在诸如不要在家尝试:来自世界上最伟大的厨师的烹饪灾难。她的作品被集中在最好的食物写作每年在2001年至2006年之间。汉密尔顿在2009年和2010年被詹姆斯·比尔德基金会(James Beard Foundation)提名为最佳厨师/纽约市,并最终于2011年获胜。

  • 可移动的盛宴



  • 可移动的盛宴


    在第2季,《可移动盛宴》的第2集与精美的烹饪中,主持人皮特·埃文斯(Pete Evans)与厨师加布里埃尔·汉密尔顿(Gabrielle Hamilton)和马可·坎诺拉(Marco Canora)一起探索了曼哈顿的小意大利。

  • 食谱



