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For the price of a trip to Toledo, you can spend a week in France, exploring markets and cooking for friends and family

精心烹饪Issue 28
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当我去度假时,尤其是去另一个国家时,我访问的第一个地方是我认为是最重要的文化网站 - 食品市场。无论是转角杂货店还是全幕露天市场,出售食物的地方都是我的动作。而且,当我很幸运地参观一个真正的“美食目的地”的地区(例如法国或意大利)时,看到神话般的,被杰出的食物或刚煮熟的食物就像去博物馆一样令人满意。但是,如果我要住在酒店,市场可能会遭受酷刑 - 所有的成分,也没有烹饪的地方。

Last summer I found a wonderful solution to the dilemma, a solution that not only gave me more of what I wanted from my vacation—the ability to cook all day and eat and drink all night—but a solution that was delivered at a really reasonable price. I rented a house in southern France for a week.

令人惊讶的是,我完全以便宜的价格做到了这一点,这是我负担得起任何种类的唯一途径。首先,我在9月中旬前往淡季,但在法国南部,9月中旬仍然感觉像旺季 - 天气温暖,活跃的农产品市场,不是太多游客(除了对我来说,当然)。我从纽约到巴黎的法国航空的门票只有30天的购买额约550美元;同时预订前往俄亥俄州托莱多的机票的一名朋友,报价超过800美元。我能够通过我的美国旅行社租用一辆大型,快速的雷诺柴油轿车,一周约400美元(为了获得最佳交易,请在您出发之前租车)。


I found the great housing deal through the gîte rural system, a government-organized network of private rental properties all over France. Each place is different, but all must meet a certain standard of quality.




有关在法国租用Gîte的更多信息,请联系:法国联邦。最整洁的方法是访问其网站www.gites-de-france.fr(用英语和法语)。您也可以写信给59号,圣拉萨雷(Rue St. Lazare),75009巴黎,法国,传真至011-33-1-42-81-28-53。您首先在特定的département或小区域订购目录(因此请自己获取一张好地图;网站有一个)。目录给出了每个物业的描述,图片和价格。选择后,请联系该地区的gîtesde France办公室。这些目录的价格约为8美元。

在您出发之前,找出哪些城镇有市场以及开放的日子。一些书提供了这些信息:帕特里夏·威尔斯(Patricia Wells)的《法国食品爱好者指南》(Workman,1987);取5,000个鸡蛋 - Paul&Jeanne Strang(1997年的Kyle Cathie Limited,由Trafalgar Square分发)的Paul&Jeanne Strang的5,000个鸡蛋 - 来自法国南部的市场和博览会(凯尔·凯西有限公司(Kyle Cathie Limited));普罗旺斯的市场,迪克森和鲁桑·朗(Dixon&Ruthanne Long)(Collins,1996)。





A villa at the price of a Motel 6.

Strategic thinking makes the market manageable


A good shopping strategy is to develop a generic menu- maybe a cold soup, a salad, a vegetable gratin, roast chicken, fruit tart. You can select the specific type of fruit or vegetable for each dish depending on which market vendor has the most seductive display.

现在查看您的厨房,看看您缺少哪些工具。大多数市场都有摊位出售厨房小工具 - 通常不是最好的质量,但便宜且足够好,可以在一周中使用。


The first table you see might have some goodlooking melons, but around the corner may be the actual melon farmer herself, offering a taste of the sweetest Cavaillons for half the price of the first lot.

Some of the sellers at the markets are just that— sellers of other people’s produce, not all of it local or even French. Try to find the people who look like they’re the growers or the cheesemakers or the beekeepers. You’ll usually see a sign that says “producteur” (producer).

设置闹钟 - 认真的购物者会尽早移动。
Look around before you start buying.

And plan your route so that you buy the more perishable items last: dairy, meat, and certainly fish. Some fishmongers will give you a little bag of ice, but on a hot day, it won’t last long.

The hubbub and crowds of a bustling market can be a bit intimidating, but if you learn a few basic skills, you can assert yourself in a way that will get you good service— and maybe even a sample tasting. Perhaps the most important point is that at most market stalls, you don’t serve yourself. You just tell the vendor how much of what you want. Try to learn the names of the foods you’re likely to buy (they’ll all be labeled, of course). And if you’re worried about your rusty French, try body language. The French are great gesticulators, so communication is possible with only a few words and a friendly smile.


如果你不知道公制,至少李尔王n that 500g is about 1 pound, and then work up or down from there. And don’t take your 200g of shallots and then reach into your bag for your traveller’s checks. Get yourself a walletful of small bills and coins before you start shopping.



For just a little shopping, a string bag is brilliant, since it weighs nothing and expands to fit your purchases. For more stuff, a backpack is nice; it leaves your hands free and can support heavier items (though it doesn’t look very “local”). If you’re going to be around for a week or so, get a shopping trolley, one of those vertical grocery baskets on wheels. It may make you feel like the little old lady in apartment 3B, but you can really pile in the stuff without breaking your back, and using a trolley leaves your hands free to point, taste, and pay.

Relaxed menus ensure enjoyable evenings

GITH,M。和MME的所有者。Audema,与作者和精美的烹饪艺术总监史蒂夫·亨特(Steve Hunter)一起喝了一些当地葡萄酒。

A no-cook dessert of cheese and grapes.


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