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Apple Days


精心烹饪Issue 53
照片:Scott Phillips
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If I had to choose one kind of fruit above all others, I’d pick apples. Luckily, we don’t have to make such choices, but if we did, apples would serve us well. They have an incredibly long season: The earliest ones start ripening in high summer, and the harvest continues straight through until frost. And apples keep well, too.

Apples range in taste from just plain sweet to spicy-sweet to tart; in texture from downright hard to crisp and juicy to dry to mealy; and in color from blackish red to palest yellow. Some are tender skinned, others have thick, waxy coats, and still others, the russets, have tough, leathery skins.

我更喜欢甜食的苹果,有明确的辣味。我手工吃饭的最喜欢的是麦金(Oun Out Out)。最好的是,Macoun既酥脆又多汁,恰好是甜味和香料的正确融合,并且是酸度的良好商。有时,这种品种可能会很淡淡,因此请在购买一大袋袋之前尝试一下。Braeburn是另一个最爱,非常可靠。煮熟时,它可以保持其状态良好。黄金美味是一种好吃的烹饪苹果,但是当它煮熟时它变成了泥。当新鲜和本地生长时,金色的鲜为人知。Grimes Golden是另一个伟大的通用苹果,非常适合用手吃饭,烹饪和苹果酒。

A dozen apple ideas


炸苹果在一点黄油或石油。后褐变,sprinkle a little sugar into the pan and cook the apples slowly until they’re limp and lightly caramelized. Serve with roast pork or country sausage, flaky biscuits, and milk gravy.

安排简单,优雅的沙拉of fall greens like endive, escarole hearts, or spinach with slices of tart apple, blue cheese, and a sprinkling of toasted walnuts or hazelnuts. Before arranging, dress the greens in a vinaigrette made with walnut or hazelnut oil and sherry vinegar.

或制作大小的沙拉of fall greens with a balsamic vinaigrette. Top the greens with sautéed chicken livers, caramelized onions, and raw or briefly sautéed chunks of apple.

快速苹果酸辣酱makes a sweet-savory garnish for roasted meats or winter squash. In a heavy pan, sauté thinly sliced sweet onions until caramelized, and then add chopped apples. When the apples have browned, add walnuts and dried currants, tart cherries, or cranberries and cook, stirring occasionally, until the apples are tender. Add a generous dose of balsamic vinegar and cook briefly until the vinegar reduces to a syrupy glaze.

Use apples to season roasting birds.Before roasting turkey, duck, or goose, season the cavity with salt and pepper and fill it with chunks of tart apples, coarsely chopped onion, and sprigs of sage or rosemary.

Make an apple pan sauce for chicken.季节骨头鸡肉碎片或小康沃尔游戏母鸡搭配盐和胡椒粉,并在各个方面呈褐色。将它们从锅中取出,加入切碎的苹果和洋葱,然后棕色。将鸡肉或游戏母鸡放回锅中,加入一些干白葡萄酒,汤或水。盖上盖子,轻轻煮至禽肉完成。

Spicy apple buttermakes a great spread for toast or biscuits. Gently simmer cut-up apples—not peeled or cored—in a very little bit of water, stirring frequently, until the apples grow tender and lose their shape. Run the softened apples through a food mill, return the purée to the pan, and season with a generous amount of sugar and a little ground cloves, cinnamon, and allspice. Add apple-cider vinegar for complexity and punch. Cook the purée over low heat and stir often until the mixture is thick and spreadable.

制作单独的苹果t。Roll out 7-inch rounds of plain pastry. Lay very thin slices of apple in the center, overlapping them slightly and leaving a 1-inch margin all around. Brush the apples with melted butter, sprinkle sugar over them, and dust lightly with ground nutmeg, cinnamon, or mace. Fold in and pleat the pastry edges. Bake the tartlets in a medium-hot oven until the crusts are browned.


Make baked apples.在浅烤盘中放了芯苹果,并用红糖,黄油,坚果碎片和干果 - 葡萄干,醋栗,樱桃,蔓越莓或切碎的杏子。将大约半杯的雪利酒倒入锅中,烘烤,就像苹果饺子一样。在碗中放入锅中,顶部勺子。


对于最简单的苹果甜点,设置一盘各种苹果的盘子,还有另一盘丰满的枣,坚果和一顶一流的奶酪或两种奶酪 - 一种好的蓝色,一个老年切达干酪,干式千斤顶或Parmigiano-Reggigiano。用每种伴奏和缪斯女神品尝苹果。

Golden Delicious (left) and Macoun (right).




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