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Baking a Layer Cake for Pure Chocolate Bliss


Fine Cooking Issue 25
照片:卡尔·佩茨克(Karl Petzke)
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Old-fashioned chocolate layer cakes—tall, toothsome tantalizers—are truly American. A piece of chocolate cake and a glass of milk is the ultimate treat. And it’s a darn good antidote to the winter blues, come to think of it.


我的chocolate layer cake被制成像经典的黄油蛋糕一样,脂肪和糖一起奶油直至蓬松,然后添加鸡蛋,然后是散发出酵素的干成分,并与湿食物交替。蛋糕在烤箱中升起,因为酵酵母生产的二氧化碳(在这种情况下是小苏打)与蛋糕中的其他成分反应。但是,某些上升和许多渴望的天鹅绒质质地也是函数的函数,包括制备成分以及如何混合面糊。


A perfectly blended cake batter depends on the temperature of the ingredients and on the uninterrupted sequence and timing of the mixing steps. A perfect butter cake batter is really an emulsion, with all the ingredients and lots of little air bubbles in suspension. The challenge is to add and mix in each ingredient without breaking the emulsion or collapsing the batter.


Bring all ingredients to room temperature.If you’ve ever made mayonnaise or any other type of emulsion, you know that adding a cold ingredient can cause the emulsion to break and the mixture to separate. It’s the same with classic cake making; all the ingredients should be 65° to 70°F.

Make sure the butter is pliable but firm, not soft and squishy.坚固但柔韧的黄油用糖陷阱空气击败并增加了体积。如果黄油太柔软,它将无法捕获空气,因为它涂了糖。您可以在微波炉中将冷藏或冷冻黄油迅速带到室温:一次使用低或除霜设置几秒钟,非常小心,不要融化黄油或使其过于糊状。

用叉子简要搅拌鸡蛋。Whisking will blend the yolks and whites so that you’ll be able to dribble the egg into the batter in a slow stream as you beat. Adding unbeaten eggs one at a time to a cake batter sometimes causes the batter to collapse because you have to beat the batter too much in order to mix in the eggs thoroughly.

将面粉筛选以保持一致的效果和柔软的蛋糕。Sifting before measuring ensures that each cup of cake flour will weigh consistently about 3 1/2 ounces (all-purpose flour is slightly heavier), assuming that the sifted flour is spooned gently into the cup until heaping and then leveled off without packing or tapping. Sifting flour two or three times after you measure serves another function: it aerates, fluffs up, and separates the grains so that the flour is easily mixed into a cake batter without clumping, thereby avoiding the excessive mixing that toughens a cake.


Divide dry ingredients into thirdsand add them alternately with half of the wet ingredients. Adding dry and wet ingredients to the batter in small, alternating batches avoids collapsing the batter by adding too much of any one ingredient at a time. Use low speed to mix in the dry ingredients; low to medium speed to mix in liquids. Scrape the sides of the bowl as necessary to be sure the ingredients are blended smoothly. Mix in each ingredient only until it’s fully incorporated, no longer. I stop the mixer before I add the next ingredient to the bowl to avoid overmixing. Once the flour comes into contact with liquid in the batter, the gluten in the flour begins to develop during mixing; too much mixing produces a tough cake.

If you like to prepare ahead of time, know that baked, cooled cake layers will stay fresh for one or two days before you frost them; just be sure to wrap them well and keep them at room temperature. Cake layers will keep in the freezer for up to three months.


• Set the third layer on top, flat side down.
• If the frosting is very soft and the cake layers start to slide, refrigerate the cake for about 20 minutes.
• Before frosting the sides, slide four wide strips of waxed paper under the sides to keep the serving platter clean.





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