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High Heat Adds Zip to Cauliflower

Bring out the best in this surprisingly versatile vegetable by roasting and sautéing

照片:莎拉·杰伊(Sarah Jay)和斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)
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I love菜花。它的微妙性质给创意厨师带来了可能性的世界。但是它必须正确烹饪并与正确的口味结合在一起。

For inspiration, I tend to look to the地中海, where this vegetable originated (cauliflower later became a staple in northern Europe, where it thrives as a cold-weather, frost-resistant crop). This may comes as a surprise to those who know cauliflower only through cheese-laden casseroles or bland puréed soups. But I find that the bold, vibrant flavors of Mediterranean cuisine are the perfect counterpoint to cauliflower’s mild manners.


When shopping for a head of cauliflower, don’t walk away if you can’t find one that’s perfectly white and blemish-free. Yellow spots on the florets only mean that the vegetable got a little “sunburn”—the cauliflower’s leaves didn’t fully wrap themselves over the florets during growth. Sometimes cauliflower will have brown or grayish spots on the florets as well. That’s a small mold that’s just fine to slice away, according to the University of California at Davis Vegetable Research and Information Center. Most important, look for heads of cauliflower that are firm and not limp.


For the most part, I prefer roasting cauliflower to boiling or steaming because the high, dry heat concentrates the flavor, adds nuttiness, and encourages caramelization, which increases the complexity of the flavor. Sautéing is another favorite method; it delivers similar results to roasting. I often roast more than I plan to eat, saving the leftovers to toss with a quick vinaigrette the next day.



Once you cut into a head of cauliflower, you don’t need to cook it all. One of its great features is that, uncooked, it seems to keep forever. Even for my family of four, one head of cauliflower goes a long way and, invariably, part of it ends up in the crisper, sometimes to linger for days. At a moment’s notice, I can trim off a few florets for a salad or pasta recipe.So don’t feel guilty about that half a cauliflower kicking around your fridge. Just cut off a bit when the urge arises.

Trim through the trunk. Preserve the shape of the florets by wedging a knife between the smaller stems (not cutting through the buds) and then snapping them apart.

Roast cauliflower for the best flavor

Roasting is an ideal way to prepare cauliflower. It’s simple and quick, requiring little attention and cooking in about 30 minutes. And the high, dry heat of the oven yields golden-brown, crisp-tender florets with an accent on the sweet, nutty essence of this vegetable—not its sulfurous, cabbagy traits. Roasted cauliflower, seasoned with a little salt and pepper, makes a great vegetable side dish as is. But tossed with just a few basic ingredients, a simple dish becomes exceptional. Try some of the ingredient combinations below.


•芥末醋(Dijon Mustard,White-Wine醋和外彩橄榄),并切碎了新鲜百里香。
• Minced shallots, minced fresh tarragon, and grated lemon zest.





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