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照片:: Scott Phillips
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Lost in the drone of a blender during a day of recipe testing recently, I realized that the technique I was using to make batch after batch of crêpes could easily be applied to popovers. Long a favorite of mine, popovers were always a little too messy and time consuming to attempt on a busy weeknight—they seemed a better fit with a slow weekend brunch or an elegant roast beef dinner.





For a big puff, start with room-temperature ingredients

据我所知,有许多不同methods for baking popovers as there are cooks with unique taste buds. I’ve monkeyed around with everything from fluctuating oven temperatures to using all sorts of pans and all sorts of preparations. After all the experimentation, I’m thrilled with my results and steadfast in my method.

Early on in my testing, I did incorporate the advice of a friend into my method. She told me her secret to the puffiest popovers is room temperature ingredients—and I absolutely agree. In fact, I’d go so far as to say your ingredients must be at room temperature before blending. This way, the batter receives that important initial burst of oven heat, which ensures the biggest pop. If the batter is cold when it goes into the oven, the heat value is lost on warming it up, and your pop will flop.

Of course, on a busy weeknight, few people have the time or foresight to allow milk or eggs to come to room temperature. Try this: use a microwave oven to melt the butter and to warm the milk. Also, putting the eggs in a bowl of warm water is a good way to warm them up.


1. Blend the batter for about 30 seconds to incorporate all the ingredients.
2. Spray the hot tins lightly. The tins need only a thin coating of baking spray to prevent sticking.
4. Pierce the popovers to let steam escape, which allows them to maintain their tall stature.


我的烘焙技术虽然不是独一无二的,但它提供了很棒的泡芙,酥脆的褐色外观以及我喜欢的那种可爱的蛋奶内部装饰。我总是将锅放在烤箱中,然后将热量提高到450°F。在整个烘焙时间里,我都会把它留下来。我知道诸如弹出蛋白这样的精致生物的声音确实很高,但是它们必须为自己的崇高吹气而快速爆炸。保持这种高温会产生酥脆的贝壳,并在弹出式弹出式一旦离开烤箱,使其保持较高和坚固的状态。无论您做什么,都不要窥视。将面糊倒入热锅中后,立即将它们弹出回到烤箱中,然后关上门。与蛋奶酥一样,保持烤箱门关闭;绝对不会窥视,否则弹出案可能会崩溃。弹出案还需要烘烤足够长的时间才能设置足够的时间。 You might be tempted to pull them out of the oven when they reach that golden brown stage, but let them go for just a minute or two longer, until they darken to a more uniform brown. At this point, they’re cooked, but if you like popovers with a dry center, you can turn off the oven and let them sit there for a few more minutes.

我喜欢深深的弹出式蓬松粉彩,它们可以与硬皮,棕色的外观创造高耸的高级事务。由于这些平底锅相对便宜(www.kitchenemporium.comsells Chicago Metallic 6-cup popover pans for $16.95) and produce great results, they’re a good investment. But if you don’t have popover pans, use nonstick muffin tins. Popovers made in them will still be buttery and crisp, but just a bit smaller. Just be sure the muffin tins are nonstick, as popovers will stick to aluminum tins no matter how much you grease them.


Once I had the popover basics down pat, I discovered that it’s easy to riff off the original recipe. Depending on my mood and what I’m serving, I’ll blend some chopped herbs or a bit of soft or grated cheese (such as goat cheese or Parmesan) into the popover batter. The herb popovers spice up a plain meal; you can match the selection of herbs to what you’re eating. Cheese popovers don’t puff quite as high as those made from the master recipe, but their intense flavor is a worthwhile tradeoff.


Add 2 oz. (about 2/3 cup) finely grated fresh Parmesan and 3/4 to 1 tsp. coarsely ground fresh black pepper to the batter along with the flour and proceed according to the directions.

Start the recipe by putting 4 oz. room-temperature goat cheese in the blender along with about 1/2 cup of the milk. Blend until smooth and then proceed with the recipe, using the remaining milk.






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