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Whipping Egg Whites & Cream into Stable, Airy Foams

Like soapsuds and the head on beer, beaten egg white and whipped cream hold air in a soft network of bubbles

精心烹饪Issue 66
照片:斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)
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How often have you beaten egg whites for a recipe? Soufflés, meringues, angel food cakes, and chiffon pies all depend on airy whites for their loft. And what about whipping cream? Not only is it the secret to ethereally light mousse (such asRaspberry & Blackberry Mousse)但是,鲜奶油也非常适合分层放入草莓酥饼,顶馅饼或装饰简单的冰淇淋圣代。

当你打蛋清或奶油和液体基本脉冲电平lows into an airy mass, a similar transformation seems to occur in each. But plumes of whipped egg white and cream have less in common than you might think. They are alike in one important way, however: They’re both foams. Like soapsuds and the head on beer, beaten egg whites and whipped cream trap air in a soft network of stable bubbles.

Protein and fat stabilize bubbles

When you blow air through a straw into a glass of water, bubbles form and quickly disappear. But when you whisk air into egg whites or cream, bubbles form—and linger—because the proteins present in these viscous liquids stretch around bubbles and trap them.

Here’s where the foams differ: In whipped egg whites, proteins alone do all the bubble building. In whipped cream, proteins share the task with another substance—fat. This important distinction influences how cooks use beaten egg whites and whipped cream in recipes, so let’s take a closer look at how each forms.


Fat: friend or foe?Whipped egg whites can billow up to eight times their original volume. But a drop of yolk or a little grease lingering in a mixing bowl can reduce the egg whites’ foaming power by two-thirds. That’s because the fat bonds with the egg proteins before they can bond with one another and form those mesh-like protein sheets necessary for trapping bubbles.



Egg whites whip to their greatest volume at about 70°F. When whites are warm, they don’t cling together as much, making it easier to incorporate air. Cream, on the other hand, whips best when the cream, the bowl, and the whisk are very cold (45°F or lower) and the butterfat is solid.


How long to beat?



Use ’em or lose ’em.您是否曾经击败过白色以完美的中型山峰,转过一会儿以测量其他成分,然后返回到您的泡沫外观干燥,结块和过度becte脚的泡沫?那是因为暴露在空气中的卵白泡沫迅速开始凝结并失去其弹性。因此,如果您将蛋清打成蛋白,而无需糖或蛋奶酥,请确保将所有剩余的成分准备就绪,并在殴打白色后立即加入它们。

Overbeating makes foams flop。跳动使泡沫扩大,但不能无限期进行。如果蛋清被鞭打过长,则泡沫会变干,块状且过于脆,无法支撑蛋奶酥。OverBeaten Cream提出了另一个问题,因为它分成凝乳(黄油)和乳清(酪乳)。

现在您知道了泡沫的工作原理,舞台是为您制作过的最矮的souffl olfte和最轻的慕斯。

Egg whites Cream
Temperature about 70°F (to warm eggs, soak them in warm water for 10 minutes) 越好,越好,33°至45°F越好
体积 increase 6 to 8 times 增加2至3次
How to hold 不建议 refrigerate, covered, in a cheesecloth-lined strainer, for up to 3 hours
Signs of overbeating appear dry and lumpy; liquid separates out; hard to blend with other ingredients no gloss, looks grainy and curdled


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