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斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)




  • 11-1/4盎司。(2-1/2杯)未漂白的通用面粉
  • 1/2茶匙。食盐
  • 1/4茶匙。小苏打
  • 3/4杯砂糖
  • 1/4杯非常牢固,非常新鲜的深棕色糖
  • 1-1/2茶匙。枫糖调味料(超市可用)
  • 6盎司。(3/4杯)无盐黄油,略微软化
  • 1个大鸡蛋,在室温下
  • 1/4 cup pure maple syrup
  • 1茶匙纯香草提取物
  • 8盎司。(2杯)烤山核桃,切碎


  • 3/4杯筛选糖果的糖
  • 1/4杯纯枫糖浆,变暖
  • 稀疏需要的热水



  • 将面粉,盐和小苏打筛选在一起。在食品加工机中,将砂糖和红糖搅拌均匀,然后加入枫木调味料。脉冲五,六次,然后处理15秒。刮擦碗,以确保所有调味料都合并了。
  • 在装有桨叶附件的立式搅拌机的碗中,以中低速为止将黄油奶油至非常光滑,约2分钟。将糖混合物分为三个。混合直至颜色变亮,再过大约3分钟。加入鸡蛋,然后加枫糖浆和香草,混合直至混合。根据需要刮擦碗。将混合速度降低到低。在三个添加中混合干成分,然后加入山核桃并混合直至混合。


  • 准备好三张15英寸的保鲜膜。将面团分成三个相等的块,然后来回滚动,直到形成约10英寸长的原木为止。(您不需要面粉滚动的表面。)将每个木头放在一张塑料包裹上,以最接近您的边缘为中心。紧紧滚动,牢固地扭动末端以密封。双向两端,将原木牢固地推向中心以压缩面团。成品日志应长约9英寸,厚约1-1/2英寸。冷藏原木,直到足够牢固地切成2至3个小时,或者最多冻结三个月。


  • 位置在上下架th的三分之二e oven. Heat the oven to 350°F. Line two rimmed baking sheets with parchment. Working with one log at a time, use a tomato knife or other small serrated knife to cut the dough into 1/4-inch rounds using a gentle sawing motion. Set the rounds 1 inch apart on the prepared pans and bake until the cookies are lightly browned, about 18 minutes, rotating the pans as needed for even browning.
  • Whisk the confecctioners’ sugar and maple syrup until smooth and pourable.
  • Remove the sheets from the oven and let rest on the baking sheets for 2 min. While the cookies are still hot, use a pastry brush to brush a thin layer of the glaze on top of each cookie. (If the glaze becomes too thick as it stands, thin it with a few drops of hot water.) Transfer the cookies to a rack; the glaze will become firm within minutes.
  • 将饼干存储在蜡纸纸之间,在密封的容器中放置长达一周,或冷冻长达三个月。


For the best results, measure your flour by weight instead of volume. (1 cup of all-purpose flour equals 4-1/2 oz.) If you don’t have a scale, be sure touse the proper techniquewhen filling your measuring cups.Meanwhile, make the glaze:




  • jennifer0hmy|11/25/2015

    These cookies definitely have that !Wow! factor. Easy to make. I mailed some to my mom and they kept well for a week.

  • Camkesmath|11/13/2014

    Best cookies I have ever made and ate. Delicious!!!!!!!!!

  • patrickchadd|02/11/2013

    I made these cookies tonight and they were very easy and quite yummy. My local grocers didn't have maple extract so I didn't use it but with maple syrup in the dough and the maple syrup based glaze; I didn't think it was lacking in maple flavor without the maple extract. I mixed up a double batch of the cookie dough before dinner and let them chill for a couple of hours in the fridge. They sliced up easy using a serrated knife as directed and baked in exactly 18 minutes. They barely color and they do not spread at all so I was able to fit more on the 2nd and 3rd rounds of baking.The glaze is necessary and if it thickens, a quick stir with the fork makes it smooth without the need for adding hot water. Really easy and delicious. These are definitely a keeper and great to do ahead and have on hand for unexpected company or for a weekend.

  • grlup|2012年11月30日



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