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斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)




  • 4盎司。(1/2杯)无盐黄油,切成大块
  • 6个中丁香大蒜
  • 1/4杯松散包装的新鲜迷迭香叶
  • 1/4杯松散包装的新鲜鼠尾草叶
  • 1/4杯松散包装的新鲜百里香叶
  • 1/4杯第简芥末
  • 1汤匙。伍斯特郡酱
  • 犹太盐和新鲜的黑胡椒粉
  • 1 5至6磅。无骨牛肉肋骨烤,拍干
  • 2汤匙。橄榄油,如果需要灼热


  • 卡路里(KCAL):440
  • Fat Calories (kcal): 270
  • 脂肪(g):30
  • Saturated Fat (g): 14
  • 多不饱和脂肪(G):1
  • Monounsaturated Fat (g): 12
  • 胆固醇(MG):135
  • Sodium (mg): 430
  • Carbohydrates (g): 3
  • 纤维(g):0
  • 蛋白质(G):38


Make the butter

  • 用中火在8英寸的煎锅中融化黄油。让它泡沫,直到变成浅棕色并闻到坚果,大约5分钟。立即将黄油倒入一个小的耐热碗中,将大部分牛奶固体留在煎锅底部。将黄油冷藏至固体,约1小时。
  • Purée the garlic, rosemary, sage, thyme, mustard, Worcestershire, 1-1/2 tsp. salt, and 1 tsp. pepper with the solidified browned butter in a food processor to make a thick paste. Reserve 1/4 cup of the butter and rub the rest all over the roast. Put the roast fat side up on a rack set in a roasting pan and let sit at room temperature for 1 hour before roasting.

Roast the beef

  • Position a rack in the center of the oven and heat the oven to 300°F. Roast the beef until an instant-read thermometer registers 110°F for rare, about 1-1/2 hours, or 115°F for medium rare, about 10 minutes more. Remove the roast from the oven. Let sit, tented loosely with foil, for up to 2 hours (or continue with the recipe).


  • To sear in the oven:将烤箱加热到475°F。烤至125°F,稀有或130°F,中等稀有,约10分钟。
  • 或者,在炉子上烤:将油加热在重12英寸的煎锅中,直到闪闪发光。将牛肉烧焦,用钳子向下压下,直到褐色呈褐色并煮至所需的温度,每侧约4分钟。转移到切菜板。如果在烤和灼热之间没有较早的休息,请让烤15至20分钟。切成薄片并与保留的芥末黄油一起食用。






  • 拉里亚|04/17/2017

    烹饪时间完全消失了。我将烤制放在至少一个小时中 - 接近两个以使其接近房间的温度。5和3/4磅烤。花了2.5个小时才到115。(或插入您的烤箱)到外部不断监视,很难正确正确,因为您必须不断打开烤箱才能检查温度。我认为“封闭的门方法”更好。

  • Cutebunny|2015年1月30日

    Rave reviews from my dinner guests. This was truly one of the best prime rib recipes ever. I followed it pretty precisely. I did rest it 2 hours, it reached 125 after removing from the oven, and I only took it back to 118. It was rare but perfect!!

  • JEK100|01/07/2015

    Fabulous flavor ! I too found that the roast took longer to reach the first temperature; possibly it had not been at room temperature for the whole hour, or maybe my fridge runs cold. I seared mine in the oven, but found 130F (on two different thermometers) to be a tad too rare, even for those who like our meat on the rare side! So I ended up running late with my dinner, but it was worth the wait - I shall just adjust the time next time.

  • Billbobaggins|2014年12月27日

    I must admit that I am rating the cooking method, and not the mustard-herb butter rub, since I didn't use it. Opted instead for another recipe found in Fine Cooking. Anyway, I had a 6.5 lb boneless roast. Used the GE oven probe to track temperature. Chose to use a lower heat to start: 250 degrees. Took nearly 3 hours to get to 115. Then we tented the roast and let it sit out for 2 hours to get us closer to dinner time. The recipe suggests that you can do this and then turn up the heat to 475 for 10 minutes to reverse sear to 130--that was the goal. Took far longer. After 30 minutes the temp had hardly budged. So I made a mistake: switched the oven to convection bake. That got it going but by the time it hit 130 the outside was overdone. I guess the ten minute time is the better way to go, but I thought the internal oven probe would be foolproof. Not sure what to conclude here!



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