加热2汤匙。用中高温的10英寸防烤箱不粘锅中的油中的油。加入土豆和1/4茶匙。盐和煮,偶尔搅拌,直到在几个侧面变成褐色,6至7分钟。带着开槽的勺子转移到碗中。将热量降低至中等。如果锅干燥,请添加剩余的1 TBS。油。加入洋葱并煮熟,经常搅拌,直到变软并开始变成棕色4至5分钟。搅拌芦笋,大蒜,1/4茶匙。 salt and 1/8 tsp. pepper. Cook, stirring frequently, until the asparagus is bright green and crisp-tender, 3 to 4 minutes. Lower the heat to medium low and add the egg mixture and the potatoes, stirring until the ingredients are combined, 10 to 15 seconds. Add the Cheddar and stir until well distributed. Cook without stirring until the eggs have almost set, 10 to 12 minutes. (The center may still be loose but should be bubbling a little; the sides should be set.) Meanwhile, position an oven rack 6 inches from the broiler element and heat the broiler to high.