When I was a child, we ate cauliflower only one way: boiled and coated with cheese sauce. I can’t say I was crazy about it. The cauliflower was cooked too long, at least by today’s standards, and back then I didn’t like cheese very much. It was only years later, when I experienced perfectly cooked cauliflower topped by a delicate, citrusy hollandaise-type sauce, that I discovered its wonderfully sweet nuttiness and came to love this winter vegetable. Now, I serve it often— roasted or sautéed, as a side dish for hearty braises and roasts; puréed in soups; or even as an appetizer, along with a brightly flavored sauce or dip.
从花椰菜中获得最大风味的秘诀是不要过度煮熟。它应该只是温柔的 - 当插入茎中的金属串时,它会遇到最微弱的阻力,这已经完成了。我更喜欢高加热的烹饪方法,例如烤或煎锅(请参阅食谱褐色花椰菜,凤尾鱼,橄榄和刺山柑), because they brown the cauliflower and add a lovely caramelized sweetness. But cauliflower is also delicious steamed or boiled.
Always start by trimming away the leaves and the base of the stem.
快速的想法:轻轻蒸发小花,并浸入蘸酱或酱汁,例如辛辣的anchoiade或bagna cauda(均基于an鱼),大蒜 - 巴西蛋黄酱或柑橘类打的酱油。
Whip up a soup, a pasta, or a purée
- 用咖喱和酸奶做柔软的汤。汗水在橄榄油剁碎的芹菜和洋葱。搅拌in minced garlic and a little curry powder. Add vegetable broth, chopped tomato, and chopped cauliflower florets. Simmer, covered, until the vegetables are tender, and then purée in a blender. Season with salt and stir in plain yogurt.
- Use leftover cauliflower for a delicious pasta sauce.在橄榄油中煮熟的大蒜和碎红辣椒片,直到香。加入凤尾鱼片,然后用木勺捣碎。加入切碎的煮熟的花椰菜,用盐和胡椒粉调味,煮熟,搅拌,直到花椰菜变热。搅拌一大堆面食烹饪水,并在短而粗的意大利面上食用,例如Penne。
- 提供泥花椰菜代替土豆泥。煮沸或蒸花椰菜,然后将其在搅拌机或食品加工机中搅拌。加入奶油或黄油,然后用盐,胡椒粉和肉豆蔻调味。
A head of a different color
We’re all familiar with white cauliflower, but nowadays you can also find a beautiful deep-golden variety and a stunning purple one. Then there’s the exotic and weirdly gorgeous lime-green Romanesco, with conical, spiral florets that look like seashells. Despite their different appearances, all types of cauliflower have a similar sweet, assertive flavor that pairs well with both rich, pungent ingredients and more delicate ones.