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These chilled soups get their sparkle from olive oil, vinegar, bread, and garlic

Fine Cooking Issue 40
Photos: Sarah Jay
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如果不是这样,应该是。墨西哥凉亭很酷,美味又令人振奋,您甚至不必接近烤箱就能制作出来。您所需要的只是少量成熟的西红柿,绿辣椒,大蒜,昨天的面包的大块,以及大量的您喜欢的橄榄油和醋。在食品加工机(或搅拌机,或用切菜板并用手切碎)中,将所有东西都放在锅中,然后放松一下,然后将自己放在碗里。墨西哥凉亭是我的夏季补品。这正是我想要的 - 有时onlything I want—when the weather has me wilting.

A diverse family of Spanish soups


西红柿是红色墨西哥凉亭的主要成分,含有绿色或红色的胡椒,黄瓜和洋葱,也可以撒上泥,或者散落在成品汤的顶部。白仓凉棚实际上是象牙色的,含有杏仁,或者可能是松子,甚至是利马豆,并且通常用葡萄装饰。听起来有些奇怪,但是一旦您尝试了我精致而充满活力的version, you’ll start craving it. Green gazpachos contain fresh herbs and perhaps some shredded lettuce, but they’re not very common, even in Spain.

First-rate vegetables produce vibrant flavor

Some soups can recover from less-than-ideal ingredients, but gazpacho can’t. The vegetables in gazpacho are generally raw and naked—there’s no slow simmering to coax out sweetness and no cream or butter to mask flavor imperfections—so the soup they produce will reflect their freshness and quality.

So you can bet I’m vigilant about picking the ripest, juiciest tomatoes, the crispest cucumbers and peppers, and the greenest, liveliest herbs when I’m making gazpacho. I happily use one of my best extra-virgin olive oils. And I’ll often use an authentic Spanish sherry vinegar (the traditional choice), though I might substitute red- or white-wine vinegar, or even lemon juice, depending on the version I’m making.

The only ingredient that doesn’t have to be fresh is the bread. Day-old or older bread is actually better. I prefer a baguette or country-style loaf with lots of taste and character, with the crusts trimmed if they’re especially thick or hard. You could also use unseasoned, fresh, homemade breadcrumbs.

莱斯利·韦辛(Leslie Revsin)说:“当我动手做本土的西红柿时,我知道我要去天凉亭。”

Purée in a machine or chop by hand

Originally, preparing gazpacho was a strenuous effort requiring a long mashing in a mortar. No doubt some purists in Spain still make gazpacho this way, and my hat’s off to them, but I go the modern route and use a food processor or a blender. It’s faster, easier, and there’s no compromise in taste or texture.

With a machine, you can purée the ingredients to a lovely silken liquid in minutes or pulse them just long enough to get small pieces, giving the soup a more rustic, slightly coarser consistency. I like it both ways, but when I’m shooting for a smooth, intensely puréed gazpacho, I also strain it through a fine sieve to eliminate any tiny vegetable fibers. When I want the hearty kind I can get my teeth into, I chop the vegetables by hand or pulse them briefly in the processor until they’re about pea-size (in this case, a processor chops more cleanly than a blender). Sometimes I purée a portion of the mixture and hand-chop the rest for a pleasing contrast.

You can serve the gazpacho as soon as it’s made—just drop an ice cube or two in each bowl to chill it—but it’s even better after a few hours in the fridge, not just because it’s most satisfying when well chilled, but also because the flavors need time to meld and marry.


For a silken soup, press puréed vegetables through a fine mesh sieve until only the fibers remain.





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