I cook with basil year-round, but I’m at my most inspired and inventive during the summer, when I can harvest it fresh from my garden. Brushing against the tender leaves releases such a waft of rich, spicy fragrance that I’m instantly moved to cook something—the hard part is deciding what to make. The possibilities are virtually endless.
Sweet Genovese basil is the most common variety. Genovese basil has large, satiny green leaves and is very fragrant. Its flavor is delicious in pasta sauces and tomato salads.
Purple Ruffles basil has large, shiny maroon leaves with distinctive frilly edges. The flavor is on the delicate side, with soft notes of licorice, sweet cinnamon, and mint. It’s happy to be an ornamental plant, but the leaves can also be used in place of sweet basil insalads。
矮灌木丛罗勒(Bush Basil),也称为辣地球或希腊罗勒(Basil),形成一个紧凑的灌木丛,带有精美的叶子。它在阳光明媚的厨房窗台上的锅中生长得很好。叶子上有一种辛辣的胡椒香气,上面有柑橘和薄荷味,并在鱼或沙拉上制成美丽的装饰。
黑色蛋白石罗勒(Dark Opal Basil)的风味比甜罗勒(Basil)更温和,具有深紫色,几乎是黑色的,叶子上有肉桂,茴香,薄荷和丁香的微妙味道。用叶子撕裂或切成薄片salads或其他未煮过的夏季菜肴。
The small pointy green leaves of Thai basil are sometimes mottled with purple, and the plants have purple-red stems. Its heady, sweet peppery aroma has strong notes of anise and licorice. Use this variety in东南亚菜肴。
切碎,又名雪纺:Stack leaves atop one another and roll into a tight tube. (For smaller leaves, bunch as tightly together as possible before cutting.) Cut the rolled leaves using a single swift, smooth stroke for each slice. The width is up to you.
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