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Mexico’s Surprising Rice Dishes

These recipes get complex flavor and great texture from the pilaf method and lots of savory additions

Photos: Martha Holmberg
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It wasn’t until I began to spend more and more time in central and southern Mexico and to enlarge my circle of Mexican friends that these recipes came to light, one after another, like unexpected treasures at a rummage sale. Ranging from earthy to elegant and able to be prepared a day or two ahead and reheated in the microwave, I find these rice dishes to be the ideal accompaniment for nearly any meal and, in the case ofarroz huérfano(orphan’s rice, pronounced ar-ROHS WHEHR-fah-no), an excellent main dish in its own right.



Of equal—if not more—importance than the rice is the main liquid.这些食谱将与纯净的鸡肉汤一起搭配使用,搭配罐装鸡肉汤,并配有精美的鸡肉,火鸡,猪肉或混合物的精美自制汤。遵循米饭食谱时,请使用无盐汤或相应地调整盐。

食谱arroz rojo(pronounced ah-ROHS ROH-hoh) calls for ancho chiles, which are dried poblano chiles. They have an earthy, slightly fruity flavor and are usually of mild heat. But beware because, as with most chiles, they can vary in heat and are capable of producing an unpleasant surprise to those sensitive to chile heat. In the Southwest, these chiles are now quite common in supermarkets and are easily obtainable through mail-order sources.

您会注意到,我在食谱中使用了几种类型的脂肪 - 油菜,橄榄油和植物油。从西班牙征服到最近,猪油一直是墨西哥选择的脂肪。(Before the Spaniards arrived, there was very little fat in the diet, and frying wasn’t usually part of the cuisine.) In recent years, however, because of greater awareness of health considerations, as well as price and availability, vegetable oils have become more and more common. While a neutral-tasting oil can be used for any of the dishes, I like to use olive oil, often in combination with butter, because although it doesn’t taste like lard, it nevertheless provides a bold statement that goes well with most Mexican dishes, including these rices.


In Mexico, the blender is the modern appliance that imitates some of the functions traditionally performed by theMetatemolcajete, specifically grinding chiles and puréeing sauces. A food processor works okay when you want to make roughly ground salsas, but it doesn’t do as well for purées like the chile purée in thearroz rojorecipe. But if you don’t have a blender, do use a processor for the chiles and to purée the spinach and cilantro for thearroz verde(发音为Ah-Rohs Vehr-Day);您的结果不会那么顺利。

The cooking liquid forarroz verde是库存,牛奶,菠菜和香菜的混合物。

The pilaf method lets ingredients meld

With their rice, the Spanish also brought their pilaf-style preparation. In this typically Middle Eastern method, the rice is first sautéed in a little oil until it just begins to color. Following this, some Mexican rice dishes require an intermediate step where puréed tomatoes or chiles are fried with the rice until most of the liquid evaporates, leaving behind just the intense essence of the ingredient. Only then are the water or broth and other ingredients added and the pot covered. After the rice has simmered, it should be gently stirred, covered again, and allowed to steam off the heat for an additional 15 to 20 minutes. This breaks up any clumps of rice that might have formed, ensuring more even cooking and a better overall texture.

For the pilaf method, start by toasting the rice. The grains should take on a bit of color, which helps to prevent a mushy result.
When the liquid boils, pop on the lid and lower the heat. Cook slow and steady until the liquid is absorbed. Then fluff, cover, and steam off the heat.


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