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Pie Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Fine Cooking Issue 74
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If you’re a beginning baker, there’s probably not much you find more intimidating than making a pastry pie crust. Take heart in knowing that no one is born a great pie maker. The cure for pastry intimidation is experience plus an understanding of pastry mechanics.

我们无法为您提供经验部分的帮助 - 比继续发布诱人的馅饼和蛋art食谱,但我们可以在一般糕点知识领域为您提供帮助。为此,这是一张方便的图表,可以帮助您在下次馅饼并没有达到目标时进行故障排除。如果您想要这样的故障排除图表,请查看Fine Cooking’s book,How to Break an Egg: 1,453 Kitchen Tips, Food Fixes, Emergency Substitutions, and Handy Techniques—this chart is excerpted from the book.

The problem 可能的原因 Fix-it tips for now
馅饼面团即使加入所有冷水后仍会干燥 Pieces of fat cut into the flour were left too large. Dough needed to be kneaded briefly. Flour required more hydration due to type or seasonal variability. 首先,尝试用指尖将脂肪混合到面团中。如果仍然干燥且易碎,请一次加入更多的冷水,每次1汤匙。当面团开始看起来像是在一起时,停下来并短暂地揉捏以形成一个凝聚力的质量。小块脂肪应在面团中可见。
Chilled pie dough cracks when rolled out Dough was too cold or not kneaded enough, making the edges of the dough disk ragged and dry. Also, the dough may not have rested enough to allow the flour to hydrate evenly. If there are many cracks and the edges seem dry, gather the dough into a ball. Chill for 20minutes and try again: the rolling should be easier now that the dough has been mixed more from handling. One or two cracks can be fixed by brushing with water and rolling the edges together to seal. Next time, allow the dough to warm up slightly if very cold and roll as evenly as possible near the edges to prevent cracking.
Baked pie crust is tough Dough was kneaded too much after the water was added. Or, the dough wasn’t relaxed after rolling. 下次,在加水后,一旦面团就开始聚在一起,停止混合。不要冲这个过程。然后,在冰箱中滚动至少25分钟后,让面团休息,以使面粉和面筋结构放松。
烤馅饼皮是脆弱的 Fat and flour were overmixed in the dough: visible pieces of fat should remain in the dough. When baked, these pieces will melt, leaving air pockets behind and thus making the crust flaky. Also, the dough may contain too much fat. Next time, stop cutting in fat when most of the pieces are pea-size. Some pieces will be smaller, but the baked crust will resemble crumbly shortbread if the fat is thoroughly mixed in. If still crumbly, reduce the amount of fat.
Pie browns poorly Crust was underbaked or contained bleached flour. Doughs that include an acid like lemon juice or vinegar to make rolling easier will brown less readily. Next time, use unbleached flour for the crust. Brush milk or sugar on the dough to facilitate browning if you use an acid in the dough.
Bottom crust is soggy and pale Not enough heat was directed to bottom crust. Or, the cut fruit and sugar sat too long before the pie was assembled, causing the fruit to release its juice before baking. For custard pies, the shell was not adequately prebaked. For crisp crusts, bake pies and tarts on a preheated baking sheet situated near the bottom of the oven. Next time, don’t let the fruit and sugar mixture sit more than 15 minutes before baking. Prebake the crust for custard pies whenever possible.


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