I confess to having been seduced by eggplant. When I first started buying eggplant years ago, it was because I couldn’t resist its firm curves and taut, shiny skin. I bought it for its looks, but somewhere along the way, this superficial attraction developed into love and respect as I learned to cook with it in many ways. And while I now use this versatile vegetable in soups, curries, stir-fries, and sautés, two of my favorite ways to cook it are roasting and grilling.
老式的紫黑色茄子是连接me. But now my market carries a range of exotic colors, including lavender and pink (often striped with white), pure pearly white, pale green, white or pale green striped with dark green, and even bright orange. Shapes range from the traditional oblong to teardrop (often called Italian) to long and skinny to round. Most of the different types can be used interchangeably, although the very small eggplant are best suited to pickling. While I think the purple eggplant are prettiest (and meatiest) for roasting and grilling, paler-skinned ones have a milder flavor.
No matter how you decide to prepare eggplant, be sure not to undercook it. The flesh should feel creamy and soft when fully cooked through.
- 用油轻轻刷或喷茄子切片,然后烤用中火,直到两侧深褐色。(如果果肉不是完全嫩的,请将茄子切片堆叠,用箔纸包裹,然后让它们蒸以完成烹饪)。
- Paint eggplant slices with soy sauce, hot sauce, and sesame oil烧烤之前。撒上切成薄片的葱,淋上酱油和米醋。
- 做一个温暖的沙拉烤茄子和洋葱搭配羊乳酪,菠菜和松子。淋上红葡萄酒醋。
- 用香菜和薄荷糖散发出酸奶的馅料在温暖或室温烤茄子片上食用。
- 为了重新了解ratatouille,烤张大的茄子,夏季南瓜,胡椒粉和蘑菇。用切碎的西红柿,橄榄油,柠檬汁,大蒜和罗勒拌匀。
- 做一个烤牛皮纸撒在烤乡村面包上。烤茄子和洋葱切片以及一半。切碎,用切碎的橄榄,刺山柑,橄榄油,红葡萄酒醋,切碎的香菜和一点糖调味。
- 使用剩下的烤茄子作为装满山羊奶酪的三明治,作为烤宽面条中的一层或披萨的馅料。
- 做一个夏季蔬菜h。将茄子,夏季南瓜和番茄切成薄片。用盐和胡椒粉调味,在罗勒叶中塞,用橄榄油淋上毛毛雨,上面放上锋利的意大利奶酪,然后烘烤直至嫩。
- Roast eggplant halves并将肉用作咸面食酱或像茄子鱼子酱这样的蘸酱的基础。
- 烤油脂茄子片在非常热的烤箱中,直到呈褐色(烹饪过程中一次翻转)。将温暖的薄荷切成薄片和柠檬挤压,或者在中间用马苏里拉奶酪或山羊奶酪制成两个茄子片的三明治。
- Marinate thinly sliced roasted eggplant for a zesty antipasto.烘烤和冷却后,用红葡萄酒醋,大蒜,罗勒叶和红辣椒片扔掉。淋上橄榄油,静置一个小时。食用薄薄的浓郁陈年奶酪的面包。