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Three Steps to the Sweetest Peppers


照片:玛莎·霍姆伯格(Martha Holmberg)
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Choose your fire—gas, electric or charcoal

烤胡椒时,您的主要目标是将薄皮肤的外部毫米与水果的厚肉分开。实现此目的的最佳方法是将胡椒粉的外皮烧在高火上(或下)。不管您的热源如何 - 开火,木炭或燃气烤架,肉鸡或燃气火焰(以下更多内容) - 您的目标是使辣椒的皮肤变黑。当胡椒粉加热并变黑时,水分会从肉中哭泣。结果,皮肤水泡。

In the time it takes the skin to blister away from the fruit, the flesh of the pepper itself is cooking. Therefore, a higher, more direct heat (from a charcoal fire or a high-BTU gas burner) will separate the skin more quickly, rendering a firmer, less intensely flavored roasted pepper. A lower heat (from an electric broiler, for instance) will cook the flesh of the pepper more because the skin takes longer to blister, producing a softer, and slightly sweeter, pepper. Both results are tasty; it’s just a matter of preference as to which you like better.




There are two ways of using a broiler to roast peppers. One method is to simply slide the whole peppers under the heated broiler. Slide the peppers back out to turn them as they blacken; don’t try to reach under the broiler, even with tongs, and run the risk of burning yourself. For the second method, cut off the top and bottom of a pepper, cut a seam in the remaining cylinder, seed it, and unroll the pepper, skin side up, onto a baking sheet.


Once the peppers are cool enough to handle, put a sieve over a bowl and clean one pepper at a time. As you hold each pepper over the sieve, slip the charred skin from the roasted flesh with your fingers. Once the skin is removed, break the pepper to release the juice and seeds. The sieve will capture the charred skin and seeds and let the juices collect in the bowl below. Store the pepper flesh in its own juices, and be sure to include some of these delicious juices when making sauces and soups.

Peel and seed the cooled peppers over a sieve set in a bowl to catch the juices.

Involtini of roasted bell peppers

在意大利,不同参议员are made by rolling up slices of meat or thin fish fillets with a stuffing. Strips of roasted peppers make terrific参议员or “roll-ups,” filled with any number of delicious stuffings. Serve参议员作为带有几种沙拉蔬菜的开胃菜,作为反帕斯托的一部分,或作为烤肉的咸味配菜,具体取决于馅料。在室温下食用,稍微加热(如果您使用奶酪馅,350°F的3至5分钟将可以做到)或热(如果需要烘烤的填充物中的原料,则需要烘烤)。我最喜欢的一些馅料包括以下内容:

• Thinly sliced prosciutto, a leaf of fresh basil, and a small cube of really good feta or fresh mozzarella
• A stuffing of minced or ground lamb, beef, or chicken, mixed with minced olives, sun-dried tomatoes, and fresh herbs and bound with cheese, breadcrumbs, or egg (bake at 350°F for 15 for 20 min.)

Roast, peel, and seed several bell peppers. Cut them into strips about 1 to 1-1/2 inches wide (following the natural sections of the pepper, if possible) and 4 to 5 inches long (the length of the pepper). Each pepper will yield 5 or 6 strips. Lay the strips of pepper in a row on a cutting board. Put about 1/2 to 1 Tbs. of prepared filling at one end of each pepper, roll, and arrange on a baking sheet (lined with parchment or foil, if you like). The involtini can be made up to this point an hour or two ahead of time. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to warm or bake, or bring to room temperature and serve raw.



Roasted peppers to the rescue


• Make my favorite summer sandwich: layer roasted peppers, a bit of olive tapenade, arugula, slices of crisp cooked pancetta, and some fresh mozzarella between slices of crusty Italian bread.





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