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Plan Ahead for a Delicious Thanksgiving

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A delicious menu of traditional yet elegant dishes, along with a make-ahead strategy for making it all happen smoothly

我妈妈尽力而为Thanksgiving dinner在世界上,去年,我终于能够在很久以前第一次享受它。像往常一样,我妈妈在一个小厨房里独自一人给二十个人群提供了一顿美味的饭菜,只有一把切菜板和一把削皮刀。到达桌子时,没有一道菜很冷。过去,我一直无法加入家人,因为我一直在华盛顿特区的1789年餐厅为600人(600人)做饭,在那里我担任厨师多年了。我使用了更多工具,但是对于我们俩来说,一顿美餐的关键一直是计划中的。采用良好的制作策略,准备令人印象深刻的感恩节传播而没有太多最后一刻的压力比您想象的要容易得多。

This menu, which takes inspiration from dishes I made at the restaurant as well as from some of my mother’s favorite recipes, is designed to be prepared in steps. If you follow the timeline below, you’ll have a stunning dinner ready by the time your guests gather around the table—and you’ll be able to enjoy it, too.

菜单的明星当然是火鸡。我的好吃的herb butter这使得它incredibly flavorful and succulent. But to make sure that it’s as moist and juicy as possible (especially the breast meat, which tends to dry out in the oven), I find that brining it for several hours in water, salt, and lots of aromatics works wonders.

当涉及到配菜和肉汁时,我喜欢保持直接的状态,因此我选择传统而不是实验。这并不是说我不会在这里和那里抛出意外的成分。我的红莓酱has vanilla to mellow the cranberries’ tartness, and I stir in a bit of crème de cassis (a black-currant-flavored liqueur) to enhance their fruitiness. For the gravy, I reduce a little Pinot Noir in the roasting pan before I add the broth and drippings to give it an elegance reminiscent of French sauces. I also take a dish likebroccoli polonaise更进一步。传统上,它是切碎的硬煮鸡蛋,面包屑和香菜,但我用柠檬皮以亮度和帕米亚诺(Parmigiano)丰富了面包屑,以获得额外的风味。而且由于没有感恩节菜单不应该没有地瓜,所以我烤了一个丰盛的菜单地瓜寄宿,加上辣椒,加入橙皮。我的土豆泥另一方面,他们可以像传统和富裕一样。除了土豆和大量黄油和浓奶油外,别无其他。和我的香肠塑料馅既温馨又舒适,顶部酥脆,内部柔软,潮湿。

I know what you’re thinking now: This is a lot to manage. But trust me, it’s all doable. Just read through my prep strategy below and start getting organized. And don’t forget to have some fun in the process.


One month ahead:

  • 计划来宾列表。
  • Assess refrigerator space and equipment needs (remember, the outdoors can be a great fridge if the temperature is below 40°F).
  • Decide on your turkey: fresh or frozen? If you opt for an organic or heritage turkey, you may need to order it early.


  • Make your shopping list and divide it between Saturday and Tuesday shopping. You might want to add store-bought dinner rolls to your list.


  • 如果冻结,购买火鸡。
  • Buy bread for the stuffing and ingredients for Sunday’s prep.


  • Make the cranberry sauce.
  • 做火鸡汤。
  • 制作草药黄油。
  • 切开并干燥面包以填充。


  • Buy the remaining ingredients.
  • 做盐水。
  • Make the stuffing (but don’t bake it).


  • 准备西兰花:修剪,切割和parcook西兰花;煮鸡蛋;切碎欧芹并与鸡蛋结合;制作,吐司和调味面包屑;磨碎帕米亚诺,并与面包屑混合;柠檬和果汁果汁和果汁结合。
  • 使焦糖洋葱成为葡萄晶。
  • 火鸡盐水。
  • Chill the white wines.
  • 摆放餐桌。

Thanksgiving morning:

  • Pull the herb butter from refrigerator.
  • Make and bake the sweet potato gratin.
  • Transfer the stuffing to the baking dish.
  • 去皮并切土豆;用冷水覆盖。


  • Prep the turkey: pull from the brine, rinse, butter, and season.
  • 烤火鸡。
  • 制作肉汁。

One hour before dinner:

  • 从冰箱中取出馅料。
  • Assemble the broccoli dish and let it sit at room temperature.
  • Make the mashed potatoes and keep warm.
  • 如果要上菜,就可以将黄油放入晚餐面包卷。
  • Put the cranberry sauce in a serving dish.


  • 让火鸡休息。
  • Raise the oven temp to 375°F and heat the stuffing, broccoli, and potato gratin.
  • 加热晚餐卷,如果服务。
  • 做肉汁。



Fresh produce

  • 1 large onion
  • 4盎司。青葱
  • 1束芹菜(至少10个大茎)
  • 2 small carrots
  • 1个小束新鲜的平叶欧芹
  • 1 small bunch fresh thyme
  • 1 small bunch fresh sage
  • 6 cups fresh or frozen cranberries
  • 1 orange

Meat, Eggs & Dairy

  • 14至16磅。天然火鸡(如果您使用的是冷冻;如果您使用的是新鲜的,请等到星期二购买)
  • 1 lb. unsalted butter
  • 1-1/2 to 2 lb. turkey parts, such as backs, wings, or legs


  • 1-1/2-lb. loaf dense, chewy bread
  • 6杯低盐鸡肉汤
  • 1瓶干白葡萄酒
  • 1/3 cup crème de cassis
  • 1-3/4 cup maple syrup
  • 1个香草豆

Pantry Staples:

  • 2/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 30叶叶
  • 1 Tbs. whole black peppercorns

Wine Choices:Young, fruity white wines with crisp acidity and little oak, and red wines with forward fruit, medium acidity, and soft tannins are ideal mates to the sweet, tangy, and zesty flavors of this menu.
Look for crisp Sauvignon Blancs, fruity off-dry Rieslings, and lightly oaked Viogniers. I like the 2006 Babich Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough, New Zealand, the 2006 Mönchhof Estate Riesling, Germany, and the 2006 Zaca Mesa Viognier, Santa Ynez Valley. For reds, look for Pinot Noirs, Gamays, or lightly oaked Merlots, such as the 2005 Edna Valley Pinot Noir, the 2005 Chateau de la Chaize Brouilly, or the 2005 Penfolds Koonunga Hill Cabernet Merlot, Australia.

-Tim Gaiser, contributing editor

The Menu


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