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黑莓 - 浮动蛋art

photo: Andre Baranowski




For the crust

  • 7-1/2盎司。(1-2/3杯)通用面粉;更多用于除尘
  • 3-1/2盎司。(3/4杯加2汤匙。)糖果糖
  • 2-1/2 oz. (7 Tbs.) finely ground cornmeal
  • 6 oz. (12 Tbs.) cold unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
  • 1/4茶匙。犹太盐
  • 2 large eggs, 1 separated
  • 烹饪喷雾
  • 1盎司。融化的白巧克力


  • 1杯全牛奶
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 vanilla bean or 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract or paste
  • 1个大鸡蛋
  • 1个大蛋黄
  • 1-1/2 Tbs. cornstarch
  • 1Tbs. unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
  • 1盎司。(2 Tbs.) elderflower liqueur
  • 1/2 cup whipping or heavy cream

For topping and finishing the tart

  • 4杯新鲜的黑莓
  • 1/4杯杏子或苹果果冻
  • 2 Tbs. water or white wine
  • 加糖薄荷叶, for garnish
  • 糖果糖,用于除尘


  • 卡路里(KCAL):390
  • Fat Calories (kcal): 180
  • 脂肪(g):20
  • Saturated Fat (g): 12
  • 多不饱和脂肪(G):1
  • Monounsaturated Fat (g): 5
  • 胆固醇(MG):120
  • Sodium (mg): 70
  • Carbohydrates (g): 62
  • 纤维(G):4
  • Protein (g): 7



  • In a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, combine the flour, sugar, cornmeal, butter, and salt. Mix on low speed until the butter begins to break up, about 1 minute. Increase the speed to just below medium and continue beating until the mixture looks sandy with butter pieces the size of tiny pebbles, about 2 minutes more.
  • Turn the mixer off and add the whole egg and egg yolk (reserve the remaining white). Mix on low speed until incorporated. Increase the speed to medium and mix just until the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl, about 30 seconds. Do not overmix.
  • 将面团分成一半,将每一半压成大约4英寸的圆盘,然后用塑料包裹。冷藏1盘至少3小时,最多24小时。(使用在使用之前将另一个磁盘冻结长达一个月;在使用之前,将其解冻。)


  • 轻轻面粉一个工作表面和滚动销。用烹饪喷雾剂喷洒9-1/2至11英寸的凹槽蛋pan。
  • 快速工作,将面团盘滚成1/8英寸厚的回合。将面团转移到蛋pan中,然后将其轻轻哄到锅中,使多余的面团悬挂在侧面。将滚动销滚到锅的顶部以切断多余的面团。用废料修补任何眼泪或裂缝。将面包皮至少20分钟或冷冻10分钟。同时,将架子放在烤箱的中心,然后将烤箱加热到375°F。
  • 用羊皮纸将外壳排成一列,然后用豆子或馅饼重填充到顶部。烘烤,直到边缘变成18到20分钟。小心地卸下重物和纸。烘烤,直到外壳的中心看起来干燥,并且刚刚开始着色,大约5分钟。
  • Beat the reserved egg white. Brush the inside of the crust with some of the egg white (you won’t need it all) and return the crust to the oven until the egg white has dried, about 2 minutes. (This prevents the crust from getting soggy once you add the filling.) Cool completely on a rack.
  • 用白巧克力刷冷却壳的内部。在进行之前,请在冰箱中放置几分钟。

Make the pastry cream

  • Combine the milk and 2 Tbs. of the sugar in a 3- to 4-quart saucepan. If using a vanilla bean, split it and scrape the seeds into the milk, then add the pod. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, about 5 minutes. Remove the vanilla bean pod, if using.
  • Meanwhile, in a medium heatproof bowl, whisk the remaining 2 Tbs. sugar with the egg, egg yolk, and cornstarch until smooth, about 1 minute. Whisk half of the hot milk into the egg mixture until combined. Off the heat, whisk the contents of the bowl back into the remaining milk in the saucepan.
  • 中火煮,不断搅拌,直到the mixture reaches a boil; it will thicken. Continue to cook for another minute past the boil, whisking constantly. Off the heat, whisk in the butter, vanilla paste or extract, if using, and the elderflower liqueur. Strain the pastry cream through a medium-mesh sieve into a medium heatproof bowl. Cover with plastic wrap pressed onto the surface of the pastry cream to prevent a skin from forming. Refrigerate until cold, at least 2 hours and up to 3 days.


  • 在一个中等大小的碗中,用电动手动搅拌机或搅拌器将奶油打成硬峰。
  • Beat the pastry cream to soften and smooth it. With a large spatula, fold the whipped cream into the softened pastry cream until thoroughly combined. Fill the crust with the crème légère, evening it out with the spatula. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour before topping with the blackberries.
  • 将黑莓放在馅料上。请注意,由于馅料柔软,因此您需要快速工作,而填充又冷又牢固。因为一旦填充浆果就很难移动浆果,所以您可能需要在将其放在蛋饼上之前在空板锅上练习图案。
  • 将果冻,水或酒放入一个小锅中。煮并搅拌在一起形成光滑的釉料。稍微冷却。将其刷在裸露的浆果上,请注意不要从下面拉起奶油馅。冷藏蛋art,直到准备好食用。在浇灌后6小时内,将酸味寒冷。食用前,用薄荷叶和糖果糖的糖装饰。






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