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斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)





  • 5盎司。(10汤匙)非常柔软的无盐黄油;锅的更多
  • 1-2/3杯砂糖
  • 2个大鸡蛋,在室温下
  • 1tsp. pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2茶匙。食盐
  • 7-1/4盎司。(1-1/2杯加2汤匙)未漂白的通用面粉;锅的更多
  • 2-1/2盎司。(1/2杯加1/3杯)未加糖的天然可可粉(未进行荷兰语处理)
  • 1tsp. baking soda
  • 1tsp. baking powder
  • 1-1/2杯优质酿造的咖啡,冷却至温暖


  • 将架子放在烤箱的中心,然后将烤箱加热至350°F。慷慨地将9英寸平方的烤盘涂​​黄油。用羊皮纸的正方形将锅的底部衬上,将羊皮纸涂黄油,然后在锅的底部和侧面面粉。挖出多余的面粉。
  • 如果用手混合,将软的黄油和糖放入中等大小的碗中。用木勺奶油奶油直至光滑,约1分钟。切换到一个蛋,一次混合一个。再搅拌30秒钟,直到面糊光滑并开始溶解糖。(如果使用立式搅拌机,将黄油和糖放入碗中,然后使用桨附件,奶油直至光滑,大约1分钟。一次在鸡蛋中混合,混合直至掺入,大约20秒。然后切换搅拌并用手将其余成分混合。)在香草和盐中混合。将面粉,可可,小苏打和发酵粉直接筛选到面糊中。倒入咖啡。轻轻搅拌成分,直到混合物光滑并且大部分没有团块。
  • Pour the batter into the prepared pan, spreading it evenly with a rubber spatula. Bake until a skewer inserted in the center comes out with only moist crumbs clinging to it, 40 to 43 minutes. Set the pan on a rack to cool for 20 minutes. Carefully run a knife around the edges of the pan, invert the cake onto the rack, and remove the pan. Invert again onto another rack and let cool right side up until just warm.





Give the butter plenty of time to warm up. You can tell your butter is soft enough if it squishes when poked lightly with a finger.



评论(25 reviews)

  • user-6979751|12/15/2019

    Love this cake! Super easy to make and is usually gone in a day or two....my only quibble is that it does NOT take 40-43 minutes to bake....more like a hour.

  • 用户avater

    This is the recipe when modified....

    Gryffindor1971's Chocolate Coffee Cake!


    3/4杯奇迹鞭子 /蛋黄酱
    1tsp. pure vanilla extract
    1/2 cup unsweetened Dark cocoa powder
    1small package INSTANT Devil's Food Chocolate Pudding
    1tsp. baking soda
    1tsp. baking powder
    1-1/4 cups FRESHLY brewed MOCHA or HAZELNUT coffee



    将香草,糖,黄油和奇迹鞭子 /蛋黄酱一起在一个大的搅拌碗中奶油。完成后,糖就会溶解,面糊将变得乳脂状和光滑!


    Pour the batter into your prepared pan, spreading it evenly. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until a tooth pick or testing skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. Set the pan on a rack to cool for 20 minutes. Carefully run a knife around the edges of the pan, invert the cake onto the rack, and remove the pan. Invert again onto another rack and let cool right side up until cooled. Frost with your favorite frosting or drizzle a ganache over it!

    If you want a larger cake, you can double the recipe and then pour the batter into a bunt pan or two 9 inch cake pans.

    对于Bunt Cake Pans,请在锅中喷洒不粘烹饪喷雾剂,并在锅中撒上糖粉。挖出任何多余的。

  • 用户avater

    This is a wonderful stand alone recipe for a quick chocolate cake! I made this one as is several times and it’s always gobbled up by my hubby & daughter. I’m lucky to get ONE piece of it....that being said, I also have made this with a couple variations...

    I use SALTED butter and eliminate the 1/2 teaspoon it calls for in the recipe. I increase the flour to 2 full cups instead of the 1 1/2 cups it calls for. For the cocoa powder, I use 1/2 cup of DARK COCOA powder instead of regular cocoa powder and replace the other 1/3 cup with a small package of instant chocolate pudding mix. This helps make this cake SUPER-DUPER MOIST! Instead of using 2 eggs, I like to use 3/4 cups of Miracle Whip/Mayonnaise. Using Miracle Whip gives the cake a little "zing!" The coffee I use is a mocha blend instead of just regular roasted coffee. I brew up 10 oz (1 1/4 cups) of it instead of the 12 oz (1 1/2 cups)... after blending everything together, I will either bake it in a 9 inch square pan or double the recipe and put it in a large bunt pan... I always Dust the bottoms of my pans with powdered sugar instead of flour as well... if I make the 9 inch pan, I usually make a simple chocolate butter cream frosting for it... when I make a bunt cake, I like to make a chocolate/hazelnut ganache with Nutella, chocolate chips and heavy cream... I Drizzle it over the cake... this cake is by far the BEST chocolate cake I have ever had, much less made! When I make this and take it to family gatherings during the holidays or to a church potluck, there is NEVER any cake leftover! I really should write my recipe down for this cake... it’s probably time I did that! If you try out this recipe with my modifications in it, PLEASE tell me what you think of it!!!

  • 莫斯|2018年3月5日

    So, I do not have a 9x9 square pan, instead, I ended up using two eight inch rounds. I am currently eating the trimmings while I wait for the cakes to finish cooling so I can frost them. It is some of the best chocolate cake I have ever baked or even had. This will be my new go-to chocolate cake recipe. It is easy and so very yummy.



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