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Heirloom Tomato, Summer Peach, and Fresh Herb Gazpacho Salad

Ben Fink


如果您在夏末到了农贸市场,那么迟早会在厨房柜台上搭配一碗桃子和一碗西红柿。他们在一起时季节,他们在一起的味道很棒,桃子的甜味平衡了番茄的酸度,因此继续将它们变成沙拉。(But please don’t make this salad in the off-season.) I call this easy summer dish a gazpacho salad not because it looks like one, but because you can roughly purée any leftovers in a blender, chill it, and you’ve got a delicious gazpacho.

This recipe is excerpted fromFast, Fresh & Green. Read ourreview.

The dressing for this salad has orange juice in it, but when I have it on hand, I like to substitute a store-bought mango smoothie drink (like Odwalla) for the orange juice.


  • 2磅传家宝西红柿(包括樱桃在内的大小混合 - 颜色很好)
  • 1 lb. ripe peaches
  • 1/2 small red onion (about 2 oz.)
  • 2 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 Tbs. orange juice or mango smoothie drink, and more if needed
  • 1 Tbs. balsamic vinegar, and more if needed
  • 1 tsp. soy sauce, and more if needed
  • 1/2 tsp. finely grated lemon zest
  • 1/4 tsp. kosher salt, and more if needed
  • 1/2 cup lightly packed whole small mint and basil leaves (or large ones torn into smaller pieces)
  • Edible flowers, petals separated if large, for garnish (optional)


  • 核心大西红柿,并茎任何樱桃或小西红柿。将较大的西红柿切成大小均匀的大块。为此,请首先将西红柿交叉切成厚的平板,然后将平板切成大骰子(3/4至1英寸宽)。如果西红柿的形状非常不规则,只需将它们切成楔形,然后将楔子切成两半。将樱桃或小西红柿切成两半或季度。将所有西红柿放入一个大浅碗中。
  • Peel the peaches with a paring knife and slice them off the pit into wedges (whatever size you like, depending on the size of your peach). Add the peaches to the bowl. Slice the onion lengthwise as thinly as you can and add it to the bowl, too.
  • 将橄榄油搅拌2汤匙。橙汁,1汤匙。香醋,1茶匙。酱油,柠檬皮和1/4茶匙。盐。将调味料倒在西红柿和桃子上。加入一半的草药,用盐调味,轻轻折腾但彻底折腾。品尝果汁,如果需要,添加更多的醋,酱油和橙汁。(您可以让沙拉再静置几分钟,如果愿意的话,可以再次品尝并调味。)在食用之前,再次折腾并撒上剩余的草药和花朵(如果使用)。

Make Ahead Tips

If you can, try not to toss the salad until a few minutes before serving—while the flavor improves with sitting, the looks and texture do not. So if you’re putting this out on a buffet, mix it very gently (right in its serving bowl) as close to serving time as possible.

This salad works well with simply grilled steak or chicken; tryGrilled Butterflied Chicken Breasts with Cilantro-Lime Butter.


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Reviews (12 reviews)

  • User avater
    blubarry| 08/19/2020

    Perfect salad for this time of year!

  • Lowy| 08/22/2019

    This is beyond a doubt my favourite summer recipe ever! Each time I serve it I am thrilled with both how beautiful it looks and how delicious and fresh it tastes. Don't be afraid to use any firm, great tasting tomatoes; they don't necessarily have to be Heirloom.

  • yogasharon| 07/31/2017

    Love this salad. It is perfect when you can get the heirloom tomatoes and ripe peaches, which I did. I also made it with the Grilled Butterflied Chicken as suggested, and everyone LOVED it!

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