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斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)


Pot de crème may be a heavenly dessert, but it’s also convenient—you can (and should) make it the day before you plan to serve it, so when it’s time for dessert, all you have to do is pull the chilled custards out of the refrigerator and decorate them with candied zest or flowers, if you like.


  • 精细磨碎的四个柠檬的皮
  • 3/4杯新鲜柠檬汁
  • 3/4杯砂糖
  • 3-1/2杯重奶油
  • 1/2香草豆,刮擦的种子和豆荚保留(或2茶匙纯香草提取物)
  • 10large egg yolks
  • Sweetened whipped cream, for garnish
  • Candied citrus peel or candied flowers, for garnish (optional)


  • 将一大锅水煮沸以进行水浴。将架子放在烤箱的中间,然后将烤箱加热至325°F。放八个6盎司。在大型烤盘或高侧的烤盘中,小模子。
  • 在一个小锅中,将柠檬皮,果汁和1/4杯糖混合在一起。小火煮至1/2杯,大约15分钟;搁置。在中等锅中,将奶油,1/4杯糖以及香草种子和豆荚混合(如果您使用香草提取物,请不要添加),然后将其带到沸腾下方。从火上移开。
  • 在一个中等大小的碗中,用剩余的1/4杯糖打败蛋黄,直至光滑。轻轻搅拌糖果的热奶油进入蛋黄,然后将蛋黄混合物与其余的奶油一起搅拌到锅中。慢慢煮,不断搅拌,直到混合物在3至4分钟的即时阅读温度计上达到170°F。搅拌保留的柠檬糖浆,立即通过芝士塞或细筛子搅拌。如果您使用的是香草提取物,请立即搅拌。
  • Divide the mixture among the ramekins in the roasting pan. Pull out the oven shelf, put the roasting pan on it (be sure it’s stable), and pour enough boiling water into the pan so that it comes halfway up the sides of the ramekins. Cover the ramekins with a sheet of foil (simply lay the sheet on top, don’t crimp the edges) and bake for 25 to 45 minutes—start checking early—until the custards are set about 1/4 inch in from the sides, the centers respond with a firm jiggle (not a wavelike motion) when you nudge the ramekins, and the centers of the custards register 150° to 155°F on an instant-read thermometer (the hole left by the thermometer will close up as the custards firm). Let the custards cool to room temperature in their water bath. Remove the custards from the bath, cover them with plastic, and refrigerate for at least 8 hours. Garnish with a dollop of sweetened whipped cream and candied zest or flowers, if you like.





评论(4 reviews)

  • cel|03/06/2022

    我建议使用带柠檬,而than zest the lemons, and the pots were delicious. I took this one step further. In essence, the strips of lemon rind are somewhat candied from making the lemon juice/sugar syrup. I cut a few of the longer lemon strips lengthwise and used them as an edible garnish with whipped cream. Used Meyer lemons, from my container-grown Home Depot tree- nice subtle flavor. / cel

  • 用户-5965852|01/10/2020


    Zesting four lemons is simply unnecessary, considering the fact that ultimately the zest will be used, strained, and discarded. Much easier to simply use a vegetable peeler and use the strips in the preparation of this dish, and discard the strips of lemon peel. (I expect a higher standard for Fine Cooking Magazine.)

    Because of this experience, I formulated the following Culinary Tip





  • 用户97032|04/22/2014

    These were delicious, and well worth the time it took. I would suggest that the publisher note when an ingredient is divided and used in several steps, because I put all the sugar in the pan with the lemon juice and grated zest. All turned out well, however, when all the ingredients were combined at the end. My guests loved this dessert after a ham dinner at Easter and thought it was a perfect ending. We all scraped our ramekins clean.

  • Canukchef|2009年4月11日

    这个(和巧克力版)是我有史以来最好的奶油。实际上,我曾经让客人用手指擦拭杯子以获取每一点。如果您可以使用Meyer Lemons,则使用它们代替Eureka柠檬(通常在杂货店中获得的柠檬)会增加出色的风味转折。


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