在三文鱼片的四周涂上厚厚的一层,然后把鱼片放在盘子上。在一个小碗里,搅拌4茶匙。柠檬汁和蜂蜜的混合物。取一个12英寸厚的防烤箱煎锅,加热3 tb。中火加热。当油变热时,将三文鱼片均匀地放入锅中,带皮的一面朝上。将茴香倒入锅中,放入鱼周围的空间。(看起来没有太多空间,但你可以在鱼片周围挤上这么多茴香。)烤2分钟左右,不要移动;然后用有槽的金属刮刀把鱼挑出来,检查颜色。 When the fillets are nicely browned, flip them and put the pan in the oven. Roast until the salmon is barely cooked in the center, 4 to 6 minutes. While the salmon is roasting, toss the fennel fronds in a medium bowl with the remaining 1 tsp. olive oil. Core the apple half and cut it into matchsticks. Add to the fennel fronds. Sprinkle the remaining 1/2 tsp. lemon juice over the apples, season with salt and pepper, and toss again. When the salmon is cooked, remove the pan from the oven and transfer the salmon with the spatula to serving plates. Taste the fennel; if it is still crunchy, set the pan over medium heat and cook the fennel a few minutes more, stirring occasionally, until it’s tender. With the spatula, transfer the fennel to a small plate.