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斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)


This hearty stew is the perfect dinner for a cold winter’s night. Bacon adds a touch of smoky flavor to the mild, tender veal.


  • 3 lb. boneless veal shoulder or leg, trimmed of excess fat and cut into 1-1/2- to 2-inch pieces
  • 2盎司。厚切的培根,切成1/2英寸的碎片
  • 1汤匙。葡萄籽油或植物油;根据需要更多
  • 犹太盐和新鲜的胡椒粉
  • 1medium yellow onion, coarsely chopped (about 1 cup)
  • 2 medium celery stalks, coarsely chopped (about 1/2 cup)
  • 1medium carrot, coarsely chopped (about 1/3 cup)
  • 2个中丁香大蒜,切碎
  • 2 tsp. minced fresh thyme
  • 1tsp. minced fresh marjoram
  • 2 1英寸宽条橙皮
  • 2 dried bay leaves
  • 1杯甜苦艾酒
  • 2-1/2杯自制或低盐商店购买的鸡肉汤
  • 3杯切丁的芹菜根(1英寸骰子)
  • 3 cups carrot pieces (1-inch pieces)
  • 2 Tbs. coarse-grained mustard


  • Calories (kcal) : 530
  • 脂肪卡路里(KCAL):120
  • 脂肪(g):14
  • 饱和脂肪(G):3.5
  • 多不饱和脂肪(G):3
  • 单不饱和脂肪(G):4.5
  • 胆固醇(MG):260
  • 钠(MG):700
  • 碳水化合物(G):24
  • 纤维(G):4
  • 蛋白质(G):65


  • 将架子放在烤箱的底部三分之一中,然后将烤箱加热至325°F。
  • Spread the veal on paper towels to dry for 10 to 20 minutes before browning. (You can use this time to chop the onion, celery, and carrot). If the meat is very wet, pat it dry.
  • In a 6-quart Dutch oven or other heavy-duty pot, cook the bacon in the oil over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until browned but not crisp, 6 to 8 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer to a paper-towel-lined plate and set aside. Do not wipe out the pan.
  • 热熏肉脂肪中medium-high heat until shimmering hot. Season about one-third of the veal with salt and pepper and arrange it in a single layer in the pot (there should be at least 1/2 inch of space between the pieces). Brown well on at least 4 sides, adjusting the heat as necessary; each batch should take about 10 minutes to brown. Transfer the veal to a large bowl or rimmed baking sheet as it browns and repeat with the rest of the veal, seasoning with salt and pepper before browning. Once all of the veal is browned, remove the pot from the heat to let it cool for a few minutes.
  • 倒2汤匙。锅中的脂肪。(如果没有足够的时间,请将油加入等于2汤匙。)将锅返回中火,然后加入洋葱,芹菜和切碎的胡萝卜。用少许盐和胡椒粉调味,煮熟,经常搅拌,用木制刮刀刮下锅底,直到蔬菜开始变软5至6分钟。搅拌大蒜,百里香,玛乔拉姆,橙皮和月桂叶和煮熟,偶尔搅拌,直到香,1至2分钟。将培根返回锅中。
  • 加入苦艾酒,用木制刮刀搅拌以溶解锅底上的任何褐色碎片。将热量提高到中高,煮沸以减少约一半,5至8分钟。加入鸡汤和1-1/2杯水。煮滚。
  • 将小牛肉与任何累积的果汁一起返回锅中。降低热量以保持immer。
  • 碎一块12×16英寸的羊皮纸,然后将其弄平。(弯曲使其轻松处理。)将羊皮纸直接放在炖肉的表面上,从而使末端朝向锅的侧面。盖住并放入烤箱。
  • 炖30分钟后,将芹菜根和胡萝卜块加到锅中。用羊皮纸和盖子盖上盖子,然后煮至小牛肉是叉子,再增加1至1-1/2小时(肩部割伤将花费比腿部割伤更长的时间)。
  • 搅拌芥末。通过将干净的纸巾放在炖肉的表面上,然后将其轻轻推入所有凸起和浸入,然后迅速将其剥落,然后将其轻轻地推入炖肉,然后将其轻轻地推入炖肉,然后将其迅速剥离,从而脱脂。用更多的纸巾根据需要重复。调味,用盐和胡椒粉调味。

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评论(1 review)

  • Ancaster78|01/11/2019

    我今晚第一次做这个食谱。食谱一旦将小牛肉返回到锅中,然后放入烤箱之前就不会说慢慢多长时间。我认为这很好,因为它很容易遵循,并且成分正常……但是炖菜有点平淡 - 几乎好像缺少东西(辣椒粉或其他一些香料吗?)。另外-2盎司培根等于2-3片 - 也许需要更多的培根?我用白皮诺格里吉奥而不是苦艾酒。我以前从未炖过,但是我觉得肉汤很液体。几乎像汤一样 - 不确定这是否是意图。我将再次尝试此食谱,但我必须弄清楚要添加什么。


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