我喜欢准备感恩节晚餐,但是在我的小厨房里有一个小烤箱和有限的柜台空间,当我试图把所有东西都放在桌子上时,我比经验丰富的厨师更像是马戏团大师。当我煮豌豆,搅拌肉汁,炒brussels芽菜,并试图找到一个人来雕刻火鸡时,我想担心的最后一件事是甜点。但是对于像我这样的糕点厨师来说,甜点恰好是这顿饭中最重要的部分,而这是不够的。为了满足我对盖上糖果覆盖糖果的愿望,我依靠华丽的老式蛋糕和馅饼,里面挤满了传统的秋季口味 - 脆脆的坚果,蜂蜜,温暖的香料,南瓜,蔓越莓,甚至巧克力 - 我可以烘烤几天甚至几周。
这里的甜点是我最喜欢的一些例子。这巧克力蜂蜜甘纳果层蛋糕和南瓜蛋糕和红糖和波旁釉如果给出一两天的年龄,实际上会更好。它们的口味变得更加细微,更复杂,它们的质地更加甜美和湿润。这Maple-Walnut Tart有一种宽容的外壳,既嫩又脆,还有一种让人想起山核桃派的丰富枫木馅料。这蔓越莓 - 艾尔蒙德脆饼蛋在优雅的甜点中展示果实,搭配酒吧饼干的便利性。有了一点计划和后袋中的这些食谱,您的假期杂耍表演将变得更加容易。
甜点,冻结和解冻好也感伤d keepers. Not every dessert freezes well—sponge cakes dry out and custard pies can get watery when defrosted. But moist, dense, intensely flavored cakes are great candidates. (Note that it’s best to freeze cakes without frosting them, since freezing will compromise the texture of a glaze or ganache. Fortunately, both are easy to stir together later.)
Because they are loaded with fat or sugar or both, buttery shortbread desserts and syrupy nut-filled pies freeze and defrost beautifully. Unlike custard and cream pies, they have little liquid, so when they freeze, fewer ice crystals form; it’s the thawing ice crystals that can change the texture of a pie and make the crust soggy. These tarts need only a little reheating in the oven to crisp up the crust for a just-baked texture and flavor.