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Baking by the Numbers

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Last time, we talked about how you want to用食谱忽略一些数字. This time, we have the other half of this, which is a question from Melomel via twitter:


@I’ve been winging it with my cupcake recipes (so bad!). Could you explain how baker’s percentages work?

24 Apr通过Web

Absolutely! Baker’s percentages are what professional bakers use to make it relatively easy to remember a master recipe and, more importantly for them, make it easy to scale the recipe for larger or smaller batches. When chef’s think baking is more scientific than cooking, they’re probably mostly thinking back to a pastry course they took when they had to learn baker’s percentages.


The most important thing you need to know about baker’s percentages is that flour is the key ingredient. Everything is based on how much flour you are using. So if you are making a cake, and you are using, say, 450g of flour, then you would have some percentages such as:

  • Butter: 80%
  • Sugar: 87%
  • 盐:0.75%

and so on. Some of the percentages may even be over 100, which is fine. Since we know flour is the most important ingredient, and we know we have 450g of it, then to find out how much sugar we need, we multiple 450g by 87%:

450 x 0.87 = 391.5,因此您需要392个糖。

而已。Multiply the ingredient’s percentage by the amount of flour you’re using, and that’s how much of that ingredient to use.这是数学,但这很简单。

Becauseeverything is by weight, you can scale the recipe without worrying about the error you get with volume measurements. You don’t have to worry about error from measuring the wrong thing creeping into larger batches as you would with volume measurements.

Some books that use baker’s percentages areProfessional Baking韦恩·吉斯伦(Wayne Gisslen)和The Bread Baker’s Apprenticeby Peter Reinhart.

There are alterntives, as well. The most popular of which isRatio,迈克尔·鲁尔曼(Michael Ruhlman)。Ruhlman不使用贝克的百分比,而是将更受欢迎的主菜转换为成分之比。例如,要制作松饼,您可以使用松饼方法(当然),并使用2个零件面粉,2份液体,1份鸡蛋和1份黄油。肯定很容易学习和记住。比率甚至包括非烘烤配方,例如盐水,roux和蛋黄酱。不过,您仍然必须权衡您的食材。


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  • Cindycooks | 08/20/2011

    I am wondering, if I want to add oats to my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe what changes then? Does the percent of flour decrease, and if so would that be to an equal amount of oats, and would my any other ingredient amounts need to be changed? If the oats produce a denser cookie would it affect the chewy texture the recipe presently has without them? Lastly would the baking time need to be altered?


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