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Cheesecake or Cheesepie?


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John Feminellaasks via Twitter:

Background: Okay, in October I am going to be a judge in theCharlottesville Pie Fest, and a question came up about whether we could have cheesecake in the Pie Fest. Author of罗夫夫人的小书籍莫莉·考克斯·布莱恩(Mollie Cox Bryan)建议不,芝士蛋糕不是馅饼。我不同意,然后爆发了一个福伊的论点。当然,这是Twitter,所以每个单独的反驳都是140个或更少的字符,但是范围很大。这是我的一面,并补充了我在论证过程中读到的想法。

Back in the day, and to a lesser extent even today, everything was a cake. Generically, anysmall block of solid substance是蛋糕。我们有蟹饼(这是肉饼或壁球肉丸),我们有小便蛋糕(一点都不好吃),我们有yellowcake uranium, which I am pretty sure isn’t tasty, but I’ve not been close enough to try it. For all I know, it could be delicious. It certainlylooksdelicious.


There are a few of classes of pie. Most standard pies (as opposed to pocket pies) are round, not much more than a couple of inches tall, and wider at the top than at the bottom. More often than not, pies are 8-10″ in diameter, though there are some mini-pies that are closer to 3-4″ in diameter.

传统上,馅饼有两种类型的外壳:糕点外壳和面包屑。The pastry crust we’ve covered before, and is a combination of flour, water, and fat, combined properly using, and baked. The crumb crust is a pulverized cookie or cracker that’s mixed with fat and baked just to set.

Inside a pie can be just about anything, but when I think of pie, two categories stand out: fruit and custard. Fruit pies are things like apple, blueberry… you know what a fruit pie is. A custard pie is milk or cream mixed with sugar and egg yolk and some additives, and usually baked. As I say, there are other variations (pecan, peanut butter, pudding, etc.), but fruit and custard are the heavy hitters.

鉴于以上所有内容,让我们谈谈芝士蛋糕。通常,芝士蛋糕是圆柱形的,高4-6英寸或更多,有一个烤蛋ust中心和面包屑。外观的较小变化,在我看来,任何装满蛋ust and烤的糕点都是馅饼。添加奶油奶酪的不足比the addition of bourbonwould be.

So, in short, a cheesecake is a pie. It can also be a cake, but it can’t not be a pie.


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  • Grumpycarrie | 05/13/2019

    By your definition, then what is my cheesecake because it doesn't have a crust so it would not qualify as a pie by any definition.

  • EatYourOwnCake | 06/10/2018

    This is the whole 'are cookies cake' debate again..

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    TheFoodGeek | 09/18/2009

    Well, really the height depends on the style of cheesecake. I will admit to favoring the New York style cheesecake as the form I was describing. For home chefs, it's unlikely that the cheesecake will be more than 2-3/4" tall, unless they go the extra mile to find a specialized springform pan or bake in some other type of pan.

    We don't have official PieFest rules for judging posted yet.



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