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开放的双草莓派。配方通过Pie and Pastry Bible罗斯·利维·贝兰鲍姆(Rose Levy Beranbaum)。

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厨房的奥秘是每周探索烹饪和食物周围的奇怪之处。它们可能是不应该在不应该失败的食谱,来自不同来源的建议,或者只是怪异的。如果发生在厨房中,您不确定为什么要发送tweet to The Food Geekto find out what’s happening.

The question that seems to be on all of my twitter friends’ minds is:


快速背景:不到三周前,我在Twitter上公开挑战了一位Piedown。目标:看看夏洛茨维尔的谁是最好的馅饼。在一个小时内,我们有四名法官。在一周内,我们有了规则,一个web site, and a location. And within 16 days we had a winner. Sometimes life moves at you fast.

Readers with a long memory will recall that, two weeks ago,我正在研究糕点外壳. At the time, I was thinking that a fresh strawberry pie would be ideal. After all, if I were to suddenly find myself on a reality TV show about cooking, I would say that my cooking style is “clean and simple, letting the natural goodness of the ingredients shine through,” or some other similar nonsense. I presume that the rest of you have your own line prepared in case you’re asked, because I would be worried were I the only one.



The second pie is where the science fun came in. This is a Bourbon Creme pie, and it’s…well, have you ever hadhomemade egg nog? Well, it was just like that, but a pie, and in a chocolate cookie crumble crust. And it caused me some trouble.

第一部分来自外壳。我开始使用这种外壳的食谱烘烤by Shirley Corriher, one of the first books I go to when I’m baking, and the inspiration for not only the Bourbon Cream Pie, but for buying派和糕点圣经罗斯·利维·贝兰鲍姆(Rose Levy Beranbaum)撰写的《草莓派》(Beran Beranbaum)来自。



After consulting the other cookbooks, I settled on a recipe that was very similar, but with the addition of sugar. The sugar was left out of Shirley’s recipe because the sugar toughens the crust and makes it hard to cut. The sugar, when it bakes, becomes somewhat fluid. When it cools, it will crystalize, and form a nice, stable structure. We figured that, with the addition of a little sugar as King Arthur suggested, we could perhaps manage to avoid the cracking. It worked, and it wasn’t too difficult to cut, so a win there.

馅饼的馅料更有趣。当我制作蛋酒时,我会服用一些蛋黄,混合糖,倒入一些波旁威士忌,与奶油混合,然后冷却。这个派非常相似。将糖混合在蛋黄中,取些花朵并溶解明胶,将明胶混合,然后将波旁威士忌与蛋黄和糖混合在一起,然后将其折叠成鲜奶油。寒意。ta da:派!

The first time I made it, I did not get the Ta da: Pie! I got the Ta da: eggnog in a pie shell. It didn’t set. There were three problems.

  1. Poor mixing. I skimped on the mixing of the sugar and egg yolks. Take a good mixer and blend them together until the egg yolks more or less double in volume and become several shades paler.
  2. 折叠不良。我在折叠式上脱脂,只是将蛋黄混合物倒入鲜奶油中并折叠。通常,在这种情况下,应服用约1/3的较轻材料,在这种情况下是鲜奶油,然后将其搅拌到较重的材料中。然后将其倒入较轻的材料中并折叠。否则,您会得到我得到的,这是整个奶油中的深黄色材料。
  3. 酒精过多。我将波旁威士忌换成朗姆酒。我知道这会很麻烦,但我没有听自己的话。是的,第一次做这个时,我很懒惰,因为我很懒,所以我的馅饼很懒惰。因为3汤匙波旁威士忌含有与1/4杯朗姆酒相同的酒精,因此增加额外的酒精可能会阻止明胶适当地凝固。因此,完成数学后,我减少了波旁威士忌,然后再次尝试,也正确混合和折叠。
So you know, if you make all of the mistakes that I did with the bourbon cream pie, all is not lost. All you have to do is stick it in the freezer. The alcohol that prevented the mixture from remaining fluffy at refrigerator temperatures will also prevent it from becoming ice-hard at freezer temperatures. Instead, you get what the Italians call a semifreddo, or a partially-frozen cream. It’s still tasty, and it’s a better treat for the summer. It’s important to have a versatile pie that will be changeable in any season.
For those who are wondering, I did manage to win the PieDown, making me the Best Piemaker in Charlottesville. Though the event was a quick turnaround, I do have a signed certificate from Charlottesville’s Mayor, so it must be official, right?
All of the recipes as I had prepared them are available on my web site. You can find the recipes of my competitor, Master Pie Baker Marijean Jaggers, on theCville PieDown网站或在她的网站上STL工作妈妈.





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