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Creating Perfect Pizza Crust

Thin or thick, crisp or chewy—it's all in how you treat the dough

Photos: Ruth Lively
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Everyone knows that the perfect crust is the basis for the perfect pizza. Ultimately, a good pizza results from the balanced union of a well-cooked crust and appropriately selected toppings. The crust can be thin and crisp, risen and light, or thick and chewy, depending on how the dough is handled. The toppings can range from a simple combination of coarse salt, fresh herbs, and olive oil, to a spicily sauced, sausage-studded, cheese-and-vegetable melange. Whatever style I choose to make, I want to be sure that the crust has good flavor and is fully cooked to a light crispiness—not doughy in the middle or wet and pasty under the topping.


I start with a basic dough recipe and then control the variables of rising, resting, and baking to get the crust I want. The recipe makes enough dough for three or four small pizzas or two large pizzas.


The addition of whole-wheat or rye flour is optional, but I usually add one or the other for more flavor and nutrition. You can use as much as 1 cup of whole-wheat flour, but adding more than 1/3 cup of rye flour per recipe will yield a dense, heavy dough, due to the lack of gluten in rye. I have made pizza dough using just bread flour with good results, though the higher gluten content of bread flours can make the dough stubbornly elastic when trying to make a thin crust. Using all bread flour is fine if I’m going to store the dough overnight in the refrigerator (chilling overnight gives the gluten a chance to relax). Bumping up the yeast by an extra 2 teaspoons gives an all-bread-flour pizza dough better rising action.



I usually make my dough plain, preferring to add the spices and cheese in the topping. Occasionally I add to the dough sautéed chopped onions or herbs, such as oregano, thyme, rosemary, marjoram, or crushed red or black pepper. I know some cooks add grated cheese to the crust, but I’m wary of the cheese burning in the high temperatures at which I bake my pizzas.

First I proof the yeast for 5 to 10 minutes in 1 cup of warm water and a pinch of sugar, until the yeast dissolves and the liquid begins to appear creamy. This tells me that the yeast is active. Red Star is the brand of yeast I prefer, simply because I’ve used it for years and I’m familiar with the way it acts. I don’t use fast-rising yeast for pizza dough. It works so quickly that it can get away from me, and it isn’t suitable for dough that I’m going to store in the refrigerator. (Chilling doesn’t stop the action of the yeast, but merely slows it down.)






光,地壳上升,我喜欢使用新鲜made dough, although you can use a chilled dough. For the highest, puffiest results, I add 2 teaspoons more yeast to the recipe and use the dough within three hours of making it. For a finer-textured crust, I simply roll it out thinner and let it rise to the same height. I let the dough rise until it’s puffy, and my fingertips disappear when I press on it. This takes about 10 minutes with freshly made, room-temperature dough, or about 15 minutes with chilled dough.


For a thin, crisp crust, I use dough straight out of the refrigerator. I roll it out as thin as I want it—usually about 1/4 inch—and get it into the oven within minutes, before it has a chance to rise.

Go easy on the toppings and put them on halfway through baking





Pizza toppings


I use only cooked meats, such as ham, chicken, sausage, or beef, either leftovers or precooked. Shrimp, scallops, and mussels can be used raw as long as they aren’t buried in the topping sauce, or they can be precooked.





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