莫莉·富尔顿asks via Twitter:
Hi, Molly,
There are usually a couple of reasons that cookies will go flat. Let’s take a look at the mechanics of a cookie first, then we’ll get into what likely happened with yours.
A cookie generally starts out with some sugar creamed into fat of some sort. Creaming, in this context, means mixing in thoroughly, enough so that the sugar essentially disappears and the butter becomes visibly lighter in color and fluffier. This will make tiny holes in the fat, which, when baked, will become slightly-larger holes in the cookie. This change from tiny holes to slightly-larger holes is what provides some of the rise.
Depending on your chemical leavener, you will either get bubbles created immediately when it’s added to liquid, or you’ll get bubbles when it gets to a certain temperature. For all the details on leaveners, check out my article describingbaking soda and baking powder。
What’s most likely happening with your cookies is that your butter is melting before the other reactions have a chance to happen. This will happen if your butter was too warm before cooking. If your butter is too soft, then right on putting it in the warm oven, it will just melt the rest of the way and your cookies will spread. Then, by the time the other reactions happen, it will be too late. The way to fix this is to ensure that your cookies are chilled before you cook them, either by resting the dough in the fridge for a few hours or overnight before shaping and baking, or by forming the cookies then cooling the cookie sheet in the fridge for an hour. For more detail on keeping your ingredients at the right temperature, check out my article on成分温度,尤其是鸡蛋和黄油。
If you used a different fat, such as shortening or lard, then you would have a lot more leeway on the temperatures, and you would likely get taller cookies. The flavor would be very different. Especially with the lard.
Another possibility is that your oven temperature is too low. Ovens arenotoriously unreliable in their temperature settings。Use an oven thermometer and get your oven calibrated if need be. If your oven temperature is too low, then the fat will melt slowly just as described above before starches can set. If it goes quickly, then rising happens, starches set, and all of that.
我从Bon Appetit制作了生姜香料饼干,大约5年前,食谱停止工作。不管我做了什么 - 尤其会寒冷的面团,检查烤箱的温度,而不是给饼干纸上油 - 饼干散布了很多,变硬而酥脆(虽然美味),而不是在外面酥脆,在外面上嚼嚼内部和以前。该食谱同时使用酥油和黄油。好吧,我注意到威尔顿论坛上的一些面包师抱怨克里斯科大约在5年前将其缩短到0型反式脂肪,蛋糕装饰者抱怨他们的糖霜不会设定。因此,我尝试并购买了杂货店品牌,氢化脂肪缩短和宾果游戏!饼干再次变得精美。
Interesting. I think it takes a lot for more for baking soda to expire. I may have to do some digging to see what causes it. With the powder, it's mostly because of humidity causing the acid to combine with the base ahead of time. Though I'm sure there's oxidation going on as well (oxygen is such a troublemaker). Hmmmm.
This happened to me, and I bought new baking soda and it fixed the problem. You mentioned expired baking powder, but I also experienced the same problem with expired baking soda.