有几个原因你可能不自动化lly think of tomatoes when you think of grilling. First, there’s all this talk that nothing beats a ripe, just-off-the-vine tomato (just slice, sprinkle with salt, and you’re good to go). Also, there’s a fear of the tomatoes bursting and making a mess of the grill. Finally, there’s all that zucchini that you have to do something with.
Well, I’m a big fan of the unadorned tomato, when it’s perfectly ripe and garden fresh. But even so, I can’t resist what grilling does to a tomato, intensifying its flavor by concentrating its juices and giving its skin a smoky flavor that’s great in all kinds of dishes. Plus, since you don’t want to grill those tomatoes that are so ripe they’re practically oozing, you can save those to eat raw. As for the bursting phobia: yes, occasionally, that does happen, but not often if you follow my tips for grilling tomatoes.
It seems counterintuitive that you’d want high heat to grill what seems like a delicate vegetable (or fruit, if you’re in that camp). But if you’re after a smoky flavor, higher-than-you-think-necessary heat works best.
技巧:右番茄,准备就绪和警惕。When choosing tomatoes to grill, don’t use juicy, overly ripe ones.他们在烹饪过程中会崩溃,并在火焰中丢掉所有果汁。带有厚皮的西红柿,如李子西红柿,不会像薄皮的那样爆发,这需要更加警惕。
I think food always tastes best grilled over a wood fire, and tomatoes are no exception. But all these recipes taste great with tomatoes grilled on a gas grill, too—as long as your grill has enough oomph to get a good char on the tomatoes. For a gas grill, start with the heat set on high and give it plenty of time to heat up, 15 to 20 minutes. You also might need to close the lid on a gas grill for added heat, especially if it’s a little cool outside.
靠近钳子和铲子。The more charred and blistered the skin, the more smoky your grilled tomatoes will taste. There’s a bit of tension, therefore, between wanting to pull them off the grill before they burst and wanting to get them good and charred. Use the tongs to turn the tomatoes and leave them on until they’re blackened at least in a few places; a few thin cracks won’t hurt, and even a burst tomato isn’t the end of the world.

I generally handle grilling my tomatoes differently based on their size. For cherry tomatoes, the best way is to skewer them; otherwise, you’ll be chasing them around the grill. They can work threaded on a single skewer, but for ease of turning, try inserting two parallel skewers. Use very thin metal skewers, or wooden skewers that have been soaked in water for 30 minutes to keep them from burning. Don’t be tempted to cut small tomatoes before skewering since this is a sure way to sacrifice them to the flames below.
Char tomatoes whole when looks don’t matter。这是烧烤西红柿的最简单方法 - 在核心上,核心 - 在您将烤西红柿切成沙拉或将它们切成各种程度的汤中,例如汤(例如番茄浓汤)或莎莎(Salsa)。味道可能不像您从接下来描述的方法中所获得的那样集中,但是保留了更多西红柿的果汁。
For a colorful, summery side dish, grill tomato halves.我在将梅子盐和较大的西红柿烤制的盐和排水液之前,然后再烧烤配菜,从而使风味强化始终开始。我用油在西红柿的皮肤侧刷皮肤,以防止它们粘住,并在切割的一侧开始烧烤。(因为它们仍然可以粘住一点,有一个方便的铲子来帮助它们翻转;单独的钳子可能会撕裂它们。)一半完成后,我需要做的就是用一点点毛茸茸的一面淋上一点点醋汁,温暖的一面西红柿刚吃饭。我不建议尝试烤切片,甚至烤切片。种子和果汁很可能会掉入炉排。最好坚持烧烤一半或整个番茄,并在冷却后仔细切片,如果您需要的话。
Grilled tomatoes make the easiest bisque and a summery pasta。关于烤西红柿的最好部分是它们的多功能性。它们非常适合沙拉,在三明治,意大利面,莎莎酱,汤中或仅作为烤牛排,鸡肉或鱼的配菜。为了进一步增强纯烤西红柿的味道,请与您最喜欢的醋汁(基于鼠标的醋)一起食用,并添加一些切碎的新鲜草药,例如罗勒,百里香,咸味,香菜,辣椒,牛至牛至或罗斯玛丽。您也可以将它们配上刺山柑,橄榄和碎奶酪,例如Feta或Gorgonzola。

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