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Issue 46



  • 红糖和糖蜜盐水


  • Fusilli with Feta & Lemon-Caper Pesto


  • Feta-Stuffed Chicken Braised with Green Olives


  • Fish Steamed with Ham, Mushrooms, Ginger, Garlic & Scallions


  • 双层杂货浆果派

    You can make this pie with only one type of berry if you like, but I love to mix blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries. I don't normally like cooked strawberries,…

  • 新鲜的梅花莎莎


  • Grilled Bread with Red Peppers & Eggplant

    The grilled vegetable compote, called escalivada, can be made up to 3 days ahead and refrigerated (drizzle olive oil over the surface and cover well) but serve it at room…

  • 绿色沙拉配橄榄,Manchego和Romesco酱汁


  • 用新鲜的草药擦烤猪排排骨

  • 烤黄番茄浓汤


  • 烤泰国姜汁形猪排


  • Grilled Thin Pork Chops in Adobo Paste

    These thin pork chops could also be dredged in flour and pan-fried.

  • Grilled Chicken-Arugula Salad with Grilled Tomato Salsa


  • Grilled Leeks with Roasted Pepper Vinaigrette & Goat Cheese


  • 韭菜和土豆汤


  • Master Recipe for Tuna Confit


  • niçoise醋

  • Salade Niçoise with Fresh Tuna Confit

    The trick to helping each ingredient taste its best is to dress each one separately before arranging it on the plate or platter.

  • Salsa de Serrano O Jalapeno Asado(烤辣椒酱)


  • 鲑鱼片和香草韭菜

    A bed of herbed leeks perfumes baked fish and makes a delicious garnish. Halibut or snapper would work as nicely as salmon.

  • Shortcake Biscuits or Cobbler Topping

    By making your own baking mix ahead of time, homemade cobbler or shortcake is a breeze.

  • 白色豆色拉Fresh Tuna Confit


  • Catalan Mushrooms with Garlic & Parsley


  • 凯撒沙拉


  • 香菜薄荷酱

  • Agujas(烤查克牛排)


  • Penne with Fresh Tuna Confit

    The rich tuna is counterbalanced by the sweetness of the sautéed onion, the intensity of the sun-dried tomatoes, and the acidity of the lemon.

  • 草药,羊乳酪和甜菜沙拉

    This is a composed salad with four parts: beets, feta, herbs, and a very simple vinaigrette. The four elements only meet at the last minute on the plate.

  • Italian Plum Cobbler


  • 如何烘烤双层水果派


  • 完美派的指针

    这是卡罗琳·威尔(Carolyn Weil)的七个指针,这些指针都加起来了。她还建议始终将面团的双批量藏起来,并藏有两个磁盘……

  • Turning Tuna into a Velvety Confit


  • 凯撒沙拉

    Use a mortar and pestle or your chef's knife to make a creamy garlic paste—the base for a smooth, zesty dressing

  • 使用面食水调节酱汁的厚度

    Don't throw away all the pasta water, says Daphne Zephos; it might come in handy for thinning a sauce that's too thick.

  • 如何制作奶油大蒜底座以进行光滑,朴素的敷料


  • 在整个块,砖块或楔子中购买羊乳酪

    Buying feta in whole blocks, bricks, or wedges makes sense for the same reasons that you buy Parmesan in big chunks: it stays fresher for longer, it doesn't dry out,…

  • Modify feta's texture by storing it in brine, water, or milk


  • 切碎或切成薄片的韭菜总是需要彻底洗涤

    Leeks grow in sandy soil that's mounded up around them, which is how most of the stalk stays white. Grit nestles easily between the many leaf sheaves, so thorough cleaning…

  • Pigtail Flips Food Fast

    Jennifer Armentrout reviews a a barbecue tool with a silly name and a seriously functional form.

  • Adding Work Space in a Pinch

    Whether you’re rolling out pie crust, making pasta dough from scratch, cooking for a crowd, or sharing the kitchen with a friend, there’s often a moment when you need one…

  • A Ripe Apricot is a Deep, Uniform Gold

    艾米·阿尔伯特(Amy Albert)解释了杏子中成熟的迹象,并提供了为这些令人垂涎的夏季美食服务的简单方法。

  • Choose Petite Pattypans

    帕蒂班南瓜看起来像是飞碟,但饮食良好。在本文中,艾米·阿尔伯特(Amy Albert)提出了几种准备这种吸引人的夏季南瓜的方法。

  • 尽快吃新鲜的玉米

    Freshly picked corn is a true summer treat. In this short article, Amy Albert tells you how to select the best ears and offers serving suggestions.

  • 寻找大蓝莓

    使用蓝莓,更大的情况更好。在这篇简短的文章中,艾米·阿尔伯特(Amy Albert)和艾比·道奇(Abby Dodge)提供了有关选择市场上最美味的浆果并在您的…中使用它们的建议。

  • 浓郁的醋栗

    英国厨师很熟悉醋栗,但他们直到最近才开始出现在美国市场上。艾米·阿尔伯特(Amy Albert)告诉您如何在市场上识别成熟的产品以及如何……

  • 烧烤北部墨西哥风格

    墨西哥北部烹饪的心脏和灵魂总是在木炭或木头上烹饪。在本文中,詹姆斯·佩顿(James Peyton)告诉您北部墨西哥风格的烧烤所需的内容…

  • 黄油般的法式橄榄油恰好适合夏季

    苏西·米德尔顿(Susie Middleton)演唱了尼古拉斯·阿尔西亚里(Nicolas Alziari Huile D'Olive d'Live Vierge)的赞美。

  • 如何烘烤双层水果派

    An all-butter dough and a light touch give you the flakiest crust that’s perfectly balanced with the fruit filling

  • 手工饲养和定制生长

    艾米·阿尔伯特(Amy Albert)参观了加利福尼亚州卡利斯托加(Calistoga)的一个占地6英亩的农场,林恩·布朗(Lynn Brown),彼得·福尼(Peter Forni)和巴尼·威尔士(Barney Welsh)致力于定制的有机生菜,蔬菜,蔬菜和草药,为纳帕谷…

  • 发现韭菜的甜味

    Sauté, simmer, or grill leeks to bring out their velvety texture and uniquely complex flavor

  • Capture summer flavors in a bottle of herb vinegar

    制作草药味的醋是延长夏季草药寿命的好方法。在本文中,莫莉·史蒂文斯(Molly Stevens)提供了有关使用哪种醋以及如何…的建议。

  • 在Crisp Seuvignon Blanc中找到一个出色的食品伴侣

    侍酒师蒂姆·盖瑟(Tim Gaiser)喜欢长相思的多功能性,风味和负担能力。您将了解这种白葡萄酒的生产位置以及与之搭配的东西。您还将获得一个清单…

  • 冷冻浆果烤盘上的浆果

    在这篇简短的文章中,莫莉·史蒂文斯(Molly Stevens)提出了一种保存夏季成熟浆果的简单方法,该方法不需要烹饪,不需要罐子,也没有时间。唯一的事情…

  • 用新鲜水果烹饪时想要的质地

    在本文中,食品科学家Shirley Corriher研究了可能影响熟水果质地的一些因素,例如其成熟度,何时添加糖,…

  • 高温最适合烧烤西红柿


  • Show Off Plums in Two Summer Desserts


  • 蒸的鱼

    斯特拉·方(Stella Fong)的食谱,蒸火腿,蘑菇,姜,大蒜和葱的食谱快速易于准备,美味。

  • 浓郁的羊奶酪惊人的用途广泛

    Buy it in blocks, brine it to alter its texture, and add it to salads, stuffings, and pastas

  • 品尝到完美的水果冰糕

    丹·巴德(Dan Budd)说,制作自己的水果冰糕可能有点吓人

  • Ultrafine Baker's Sugar Dissolves Like a Dream

    艾比·道奇(Abby Dodge)为面包师测试C&H的Ultrafine Pure Cane糖。

  • The Juiciest Grilled Pork Chops

    Brining helps lean pork stay juicy, while rubs, pastes, and marinades boost flavor

  • Hardwood Charcoal vs. Charcoal Briquettes


  • 考虑搅拌锅而不是炒锅

    A wok may be traditional, but the newer, flat-bottom stir-fry pans work better on most stoves

  • Butter Pie Crust

    An all-butter dough and a light touch give you the flakiest crust that's perfectly balanced with its filling. Want more pie? Watch video demonstrations of how to crimp pie crust, how to…

  • 烤樱桃番茄意大利面带酥脆的面包屑和罗勒

    Grilling the tomatoes for this colorful pasta salad intensifies their flavor by concentrating their juices and gives their perfectly shriveled skins a smoky flavor. Look for inexpensive, disposable bamboo skewers…

  • Romesco Sauce

    这种起源于塔拉贡(Tarragona)市的大蒜酱具有大量的变化和许多用途 - 它配有沙拉,烤蔬菜,肉,鸡肉或鱼类或搅拌成鱼类……

  • Spinach with Pine Nuts & Raisins


  • 鸡大腿用柠檬,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香烤


  • 梅子上下蛋糕


  • 快速杏子果酱

    This quick, simple recipe comes from Becky Smith of Frog Hollow Farm in California. The jam doesn’t require canning and keeps for weeks in the fridge—if you don’t eat it all…

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