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Better lift with butter

首先,看看我们想要黄油和鸡蛋做什么。首先是蝙蝠,黄油。将其与液体脂肪(如油)区分开的一件事是,黄油具有持有空气的能力。许多蛋糕和饼干食谱告诉您将糖打成“黄油”,直到淡淡而蓬松,这会产生气泡。(这称为奶油方法。)您的气泡越多,甜点越高。但是,如果您的黄油太冷,脂肪和糖就不会混合,从而产生了几个气泡。(太热的黄油也不好 - 它会融化,因此气泡不会得到任何支持,并且会消失。)

Research shows that it’s best to bake with butter that’s about 65°F, which is actually cooler than room temperature in most homes. So how do you tell if your butter is the right temp? Short of using an instantread thermometer in a stick of butter, I like to use the thumb method. I learned this from master baker Carole Walter, author of the cookbooks Great Cakes and Great Cookies. She suggests holding a wrapped stick of butter in your hand and pressing firmly with your thumb. There should be a slight indentation. She refers to this butter as “slightly firm,” a more descriptive (and practical) phrase than “room temperature.”

(A pie aside: If you’re making a piecrust, your butter needs are completely different. You want the butter very cold so that it remains in small solid pieces while being worked into the flour. These small pieces ensure a flaky crust, because they melt in the oven and leave steam pockets.)

To chill or not to chill

Talk of leaving eggs or butter out at room temperature tends to raise red flags in the food safety department. Here’s the straight story.

黄油can be left out on the counter (for easier spreading) without fear of food poisoning. However, most butter makers recommend refrigerating to maintain the best flavor. (It’s pretty easy to spot rancid butter: It turns a deeper color and becomes less opaque.)

can carry salmonella, so the risks of not refrigerating are a bit higher. Markets in other countries regularly store eggs at room temperature, but the USDA recommends refrigerating them, because a colder temperature will inhibit the growth of bacteria. Since it’s a simple matter of a quick soak in warm tap water to bring eggs in the shell up to temperature for baking (see Quick rescue), it’s best to keep them chilled.



Warmer eggs are also better when you’re mixing batter for cakes and cookies, because if you introduce cold eggs to a warmer butter-sugar mixture, the fat in the butter could harden. That would impede integration of the butter and eggs, which is why you’re creaming them to begin with.

But you do want your eggs to be cold if you need to separate the whites and yolks. Cold eggs are easier to separate, so if your recipe calls for the yolks and whites to be separated, do it before warming the eggs.

Quick rescue




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