即使很难找到,蓝脚的鸡肉或Poulet Bleu还是我最喜欢的烤鸟之一。肉非常嫩,风味很大。最初来自加拿大的Poulet Bleu直到最近才在美国找到。对我们来说幸运的是,现在在加利福尼亚饲养了一群蓝脚的鸡。
我喜欢的另一个烘焙师是Jidori Chicken,这是一种家用混合品种,以其强大的风味而可持续地提高和珍贵。这些无激素和无抗生素的鸟类被喂食全谷物饮食,从未被冷冻。
Although they can be a bit pricey, these specialty chicken breeds offer clear differences in flavor, and I urge you to seek them out to find the one you prefer, even if you decide to save it for a special occasion.
Layer on honest, craveable seasonings
Allowing the chicken to sit, salted or in a spice rub that includes salt, for at least 20 minutes before cooking is an important step on the path to perfect roasting. This first rest gives the salt time to absorb into the chicken, tenderizing the meat while drying out the skin so that it can crisp delightfully in the oven.
Yummy yummy!
Whatever happened to those 3 lb. birds? That's what I grew up on, but haven't seen one in YEARS! I guess now they feed these poor, abused creatures all kinds of laboratory-manufactured feed to get their weight up so they can sell them for more per pound. Surely, they cannot even stand up, let alone peck in the dirt or run around, under all that super-imposed weight. I can remember when plucked chickens used to be yellow, but now they are a sad, anemic white. I'm no PETA person, but I shudder to think of the miserable lives these chickens must live in order to provide food for us. And you know what? It doesn't have to be that way! Animals that give their lives to feed us should only know ONE BAD DAY. Please check out Change.org and lend your support to organizations demanding the humane treatment of the animals that feed us. BTW, we can learn a LOT from the original possessors of this land, the Native Americans, who said a prayer of "thanks" over every animal that gave its life so that we might eat and live. Back to the land, people.