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我在一个terribly important lunch meeting yesterday, and one of the people I met with,詹妮弗,问我关于一家餐厅的鸡肉。“他们如何制作如此好的鸡肉?”我建议他们擅长制作鸡肉。直到不久之后,我才意识到这是一个完全不满意的答案。对不起,詹妮弗。

You see, strictly speaking, I was being both concise and complete, but, uh, only if you already knew what I was talking about. You see, roasting chicken is Very Simple. There are very few ingredients necessary (chicken, salt, and some sort of fat), The technique is likewise Very Simple. You heat an oven, put the chicken in, and take it out when it’s done. See? Simple.

The problem is that Very Simple is cooking code for If You Mess Anything Up You Will Ruin The Dish. Okay, maybe it’s not so bad, but the fewer ingredients and steps you have, the more impact each of those ingredients and steps will have on the final product.


为了最大化您的成功,请从成分开始。您想要优质的鸡肉,好黄油或橄榄油,还有一些不错的kosheror sea salt. Before you cook the chicken, you need to bring it up to room temperature.


The shorter a thermal distance the chicken has to go before it’s cooked, the easier it will be to bring both sides to temperature together. The dark meat takes longer to cook because there is more fat in the dark meat than there is in the white meat, and the fat acts as an insulator for a while. If the fat in the chicken is still cold, then it will take the dark meat relatively longer to cook. If the chicken starts out at room temperature, the insulating effect of the fat will have less effect.



Once the oven is preheated, put the chicken into the pan breast side up. Be careful not to burn yourself. Now put the chicken in the oven and don’t touch it for 40 or 50 minutes. If you peek through the oven window and notice that one side is cooking faster than the other, you can turn it 180° at about the 30-minute mark. Other than that: no touching.

Once it seems ready, take the temperature of the chicken in the thigh, and if it’s reached 160°F (See the picture after这些鸡肉烤技巧for an example, but ignore tip #2 if you are following this method), then you can probably take it out. Another useful metric is to tip the chicken so the juices inside run out into the pan. If the juices are clear, the chicken is good. If they’re pink, put the chicken in for longer.

Let the chicken rest. Carve, and enjoy.




  • Xtippi |02/22/2011

    您会显示许多精美的食谱和烤鸡肉的技巧,但是,我现在感到困惑的所有这些建议。帕梅拉·安德森(Pamela Anderson)的食谱指示将糖撒在鸡肉外面.....糖的目的是什么?这只鸟已经根据厨师想要的盐,胡椒粉和其他调味料。糖对成品有什么作用?除此一个问题外,我同意在室温或接近室温下的一只干鸟鸟开始,并期待着一顿美餐的晚餐。

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    Pielove |07/02/2010

    Interesting article! Would you comment on the size of the chicken and its effect on roasting? I suspect this recipe is for a typical 4-pound bird, but I have been getting free-range chickens from a friend. I don't know what they are eating, but those birds are big-- 6 or 7 pounds. Would that still work with the high-heat roasting method?

  • 用户avater
    LouisvilleFoodGeek | 07/02/2010

    Great tips! I've always loved roasting the little cornish hens. They don't have a whole lot of dark meat to worry about, so they're perfect if you like the white meat the best.

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