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厨房的奥秘是每周探索烹饪和食物周围的奇怪之处。它们可能是不应该在不应该失败的食谱,来自不同来源的建议,或者只是怪异的。如果发生在厨房中,您不确定为什么要发送tweet to The Food Geekto find out what’s happening.

Donna asks via twitter:


面包,从面包大师和作者彼得·赖因哈特(Peter Reinhart)借用,都是关于转型的。我们烹饪的一切在某个时候都活着,但是面包经历了活着到死者的转变多次,然后才能最终向我们发展。你知道吗?我什至不会继续解释。有关一些出色的面包信息和哲学,让我们听到赖因哈特先生自己的声音:

What you’re attempting is that much more interesting than even normal homemade bread, because you’re not starting with yeast. Instead, you’re inviting the yeast that’s hanging out in your kitchen and giving it an inviting place to live before you give it some meaningful work to do.

It’s as if you have a halfway house for wayward yeast, and you’re hoping their more varied lives can make for a productive member of society that is far more rich and varied than your garden variety, prepackaged yeast. More importantly, you’re hoping that it makes your bread something special.

There are a few ways that the bread rising process can go wrong, and an extra way or two that is special only for wild sourdough breads. However, all of them revolve around the same issue: for whatever reason, you don’t have enough living yeast producing living yeast by-products.

In a normal bread, the first problem to check for is that your yeast is alive to start with. If you’re using the hardy instant yeast, then by and large you merely have to verify that the expiration date hasn’t passed, and if you’ve kept them in the refrigerator after you’ve opened them, all should be well. If you’re concerned, take a half-teaspoon, put it in some lukewarm water and wait 15 minutes. If you have a bunch of bubbles, all is well. If not, get some new yeast. This won’t help with the sourdough, of course, but it’s worth throwing in.



Okay, now to the sourdough-specific problems. The most likely culprit in this case is that your starter isn’t all that active. Now, there’s nothing inherently wrong with a lazy starter; in many ways, it’s idea, because you don’t want the starter to rise like a bread would rise, or the starter would quickly overtake the kitchen. You want a home for the yeast, not a gymnasium for them.

To use the starter, you want to let it know that it’s time for work to be done. This means giving it more food in the form of water and yeast, then give it time to go. Shirley Corriher suggests in烘烤to take a 1/4 cup of starter with 1.5 cups of water and 9 oz of AP flour, mix that together, and let it sit for 12 to 16 hours. From there, you can use it as you would any other starter. It should be active and tasty.


There are, of course, many care and feeding issues with the creation and maintenance of a sourdough starter that are not covered here. Yeast, left to its own devices, will reproduce until all of the food is eaten and it’s sitting in a pool of alcohol of its own making. Your sourdough yeast are no different, but they also mix with bacteria who have stopped by your halfway house. The bacteria lend the extra acidic flavor, but let the acid mix get too high, and you’ve killed the yeast.





  • User avater
    TheFoodGeek | 03/27/2009

    You are quite welcome. I, as you may have noticed, am a big fan of Peter Reinhart.


  • Waymorehomemade |2009年3月27日

    Thanks Brian. And I really enjoyed that video. He's funny, and so thoughtful and informative. I did start over with my starter. I do think it's a little lazy, so I may have to give it a little commercial yeast nudge until I get my sourdough legs really under me.


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