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厨房的奥秘是每周探索烹饪和食物周围的奇怪之处。它们可能是不应该在不应该失败的食谱,来自不同来源的建议,或者只是怪异的。如果发生在厨房中,您不确定为什么要发送tweet to The Food Geekto find out what’s happening.

Food Geek的朋友Crystal问:

Is it possible to have vegetable stock instead of broth, since vegetables don't have bones

I have wondered this myself from time to time, but I’d never worked up quite enough curiosity to find out. Thanks to your helpful question, I now can.

The first time I heard of the difference between stock and broth was on an episode of Good Eats, “Behind the Bird”. In it, Alton Brown says that the difference between a broth and a stock is that a broth is made from meat or vegetables, but a stock is made from bones. The idea being that a stock is always jam-packed with collagen, whereas a broth is just some nicely-flavored liquid.

This is a great and useful definition, until you查看数百本食谱and check through items on a grocery store shelf and you see things like Vegetable Stock. Now, it’s not like most of the cooking world has never been wrong before,* but this is a bit ridiculous. And a bit odd, because as you hit somewhere around recipe book 92, you start noticing some patterns to the usage of stock and broth. The same recipe will call the preparation stock or broth, but in different but consistent contexts. Something is definitely up. This calls for a trip to the Food Geek Bookshe… er, Library.

This first place I check isLarousse Gastronomique, which seems the ideal sort of reference book to answer this kind of question. It is not. It mentions both, but does not do a particularly good job of differentiating the two. Furthermore, the broth simply told me to see the definition for bouillon, and the entry for bouillon claimed that it’s also called stock. So that is just more confusing than it was. However, Larousse Gastronomique did say that there is something called “vegetable stock”, so we can’t just claim it doesn’t exist.

然后我检查了The Saucier’s Apprentice,因为股票通常被用作酱汁的基础,但它们甚至不承认汤。如果我不确定它们是否有所不同,我只会告诉您,它们确实是同一回事,然后将其留下来。就目前而言,我敢肯定,使用情况有所不同,所以该转到主要来源了。

I pick up my well-worn copy of Harold McGee’s关于食物和烹饪,这也许是对食物工作方式的理解最完整,最有用的书。瞧,有一个侧边栏,可以正当回答这个问题。




*- I cannot tell you how grating it is to hear that searing meat seals in juices.




  • app103 | 10/06/2018

    It was always my understanding that the difference between vegetable stock and broth was tomatoes.


    Vegetable stock is interchangeable with chicken stock or chicken broth, in recipes, due to having a similar golden yellow to yellow-green color.


  • Harry Black | 12/01/2017


  • fud | 04/28/2009

    Don't forget the health benefits of meat based stocks vs vegetable stocks. From Nourishing Traditions cookbook by Sally Fallon, page 116, the beginning of a large section on stocks: Properly prepared, meat stocks are extremely nutritious, containing the minerals of bone, cartilage, marrow and vegetables as electrolytes, a form that is easy to assimilate. Acidic wine or vinegar added during cooking helps to draw minerals, particularly calcium, magnesium and potassium, into the broth. Dr. Francis Pottenger, author of the famous cat studies as well as articles on the benefits of gelatin in broth, taught that the stockpot was the most important piece of equipment to have in one's kitchen.


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