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Brian Geiger

  • Article

    Baking soda *and* baking powder: too much of a good thing?

    Seriously, how much leavening does one recipe need? Let's find out if baking powder and baking soda are needed for some recipes, or if we could get by with one…

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    How is sugar wet?

    Follow enough baking recipes, and you'll see the instructions that sugar is to be treated as a wet ingredient. Clearly, if you were dropped into a big pile of sugar,…

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    Martian blood oranges

    Why would a perfectly respectable blood orange turn green? There's only one real answer, and it has nothing to do with aliens.

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    Gelatin Dangers

    Sometimes the kitchen can be a perilous place. Knives, flames, and making suggestions for how to "improve" the cook's dish. But gelatin? Is that really all that dangerous?

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    Sunken Sourdough Sadness

    Is there a special touch needed to make sourdough bread rise? Is there perhaps some special music or proper colored light that will convince the yeast to make their magic?…

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    Which Flour Is Best for Pasta?

    Conflicting advice can lead you to doubt your favorite recipes, even for something as simple as fresh pasta. Do you listen to your heart, or listen to what others tell…

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    Bloomin’ Spices

    Blooming with spices doesn't mean that you're planning on growing them as plants. Instead, it's a way of opening up the flavor and making it more effective in your cooking.…

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    For Butter or Worse

    Clarifying how to make butter a more versatile player in the kitchen.

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    Like syrup for candy

    糖浆是糖浆佛吗r candy-making, or does the origin of the sweet liquid make a difference?

  • Article

    Cooking beans in salt water

    A traditional bit of advice in cookbooks is to avoid putting salt in the cooking water for beans. Will this toughen the beans, or is that advice not entirely correct?

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