卡苏莱特(Cassoulet)是法国西南部的丰盛农民炖菜,长期以来引起了热门辩论。您应该使用哪种豆子?您应该使用鸭子还是鹅?有许多版本,每个版本都有其热情的游击队员。But rather than being a pure expression of one style, this cassoulet takes elements from them all: It’s a melding of great flavors that come from assembling duck confit, beans, lamb stew, sausage and pork, and cooking them all together, slowly and gently.
狂热的辣椒本身几乎是一顿饭,因此,在创建菜单时,您想保持起动器和甜点清新,例如这些简单的飞盘和水果沙拉。菜单确实需要一些提前计划,但是不需要精心设计的技术。因此,如果您坚持策略并使用时间表,那真的很容易。大卡苏莱特(Cassoulet)值得等待,所以这是在寒冷的夜晚 - 新年前夕的特殊晚餐聚会的完美之处,也许是吗?
- 3个肚脐
- 1个红葡萄柚
- 2个橘子
- 1个小菠萝(或1/2大菠萝)
- 1香蕉
- 1 Braeburn,Fuji或Gravenstein Apple
- 1个成熟的梨
- 2个葱
- 2个大洋葱
- 1个鳞茎大蒜
- 1 rib celery
- 4个中型红或金甜菜
- 3番茄
- 1 bunch thyme
- 1束欧芹
- 1只猪的脚或小新鲜的火腿霍克
- 3/4磅五花肉或培根
- 1/2磅猪皮
- 1磅无骨的羔羊肩,脖子或小腿肉(骨头2磅)
- 1/4杯鸭脂肪
- 3至4个鸭子果酱腿
- 1/2磅大蒜香肠(或甜美的意大利香肠未用茴香调味)
- 2 1/2盎司核桃半
- 1磅干的白豆,例如Cannelini或Great Northerb
- 3 cups homemade or low-salt chicken broth or duck stock
- 2杯粗,无味的面包屑
- 1/4杯浅红糖
- 1/2杯起泡酒
- 1汤匙朗姆酒
- 3/4杯干白葡萄酒
- 雪利酒醋(2汤匙)
- 特级橄榄油(1/3杯)
- 2个海湾叶子
- 犹太盐和新鲜的黑胡椒粉
Drink Suggestions
试着的红黑水果和香料的味道。For the salad, choose a crisp Sauvignon Blanc, whose bright grapefruit and green-herb notes would be great with the zesty flavors of orange and sherry vinaigrette. Try a simple Entre-deux-Mers like Château Bonnet ($9, and made by Jean-Pierre’s in-laws), a Sancerre from Rossignol ($16), or Geyser Peak Sauvignon Blanc from Sonoma ($9). To match the cassoulet’s intensity, go for a hearty red with plenty of personality, dark fruit flavors, and earthy, spicy notes. The 1999 Le Mistral from Joseph Phelps ($27), a Châteauneuf-du-Pape style blend, would be perfect. Or try a Côtes-du-Rhône Villages (I like Domaine de l’Oratoire St. Martin, $12). For a splurge, try Châteauneuf-du-Pape from Domaine du Vieux Télégraphe, a lush Grenache blend from the Southern Rhone ($38; the 1999 vintage drinks well at this early stage if you decant it). When it comes to dessert, the wine always needs to be as sweet as or sweeter than what’s on the plate. Jean-Pierre has wisely chosen a light finish to this meal, so I’d follow his lead with something light in the glass. Pick a wine with crisp acidity, medium sweetness, light body, and little or no oak, like Rivetti “La Spinetta” Moscati d’Asti, a fragrant sparkler from Italy ($16).
蒂姆·盖瑟(Tim Gaiser)是一位侍酒师,也是精心烹饪的贡献编辑。