Leisa_VA| 05/02/2016
上个星期六,我把这个食谱/方法提供给我的客人。盐壳法非常出色。我读过其他的评论其他地方抱怨咸的味道,所以我用羊皮纸把肉包起来。我建议有这种顾虑的人也这么做。我用122磅把肉拿出来,吃了三分熟。从烤箱中取出后,温度上升了约10度。我觉得醋汁有点偏酸,我加了一些蜂蜜来软化它的口感。不是为了让它变甜,只是为了让它变软。我用的是现成的克朗代克小土豆。我用微波炉加热,然后用烤面包机完成。 If they are available, I would recommend using. The melange of flavors was just stupendous in every way. It was really extraordinary how the beef cooked evenly throughout. It was juicy and tender--like none other. All of my guests enjoyed this meal. I will definitely serve this beautiful and elegant meal again. Thank you for this well-crafted recipe.