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Aya Brackett


This unusual tart features a grapefruit custard baked in a pastry shell and topped with slices of candied grapefruit, balancing tartness with bittersweet.

This recipe is excerpted fromBitter. Read ourreview.



  • 2 cups flour
  • A pinch of fine sea salt
  • 2/3 cup cold, unsalted butter, diced
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3杯超金(施法者)糖


  • 3 eggs
  • Fine sea salt
  • 2 small grapefruit
  • 6 Tbs. unsalted butter
  • 1/2 cup superfine (caster) sugar
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 3/4 cup water


Make the dough

  • Combine the flour and salt in a food processor and pulse to mix. Add the butter and pulse until the mixture resembles very coarse bread crumbs. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl.
  • 在另一个碗中,将鸡蛋和糖一起搅拌。将鸡蛋混合物倒在面粉和黄油混合物上,然后与叉子混合。挤压手指之间的混合物。如果将面团凝聚在一起,将面团转移到略带面粉的表面上。如果没有,请添加几茶匙冰水,然后再次进行测试。
  • Gently knead the dough into a ball, then divide the pastry in half, and flatten into 2 disks. Wrap each disk in a plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before using.

Make the tart

  • Roll out one disk of pastry dough on a floured surface and line a 9-inch tart pan. Prick the base of the tart with a fork, right through to the metal, then refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
  • Place a heavy baking sheet or pizza stone in the oven and preheat it to 375°F.
  • Separate 1 of the eggs, and add the yolk to the other 2 eggs. Whisk the egg white with a pinch of salt.
  • Line the tart with parchment paper and fill it with dried beans. Place it on the hot baking sheet and bake until the pastry is set, about 15 minutes. Remove the paper and beans and continue to bake for another 5 minutes or until the base is lightly colored. Remove the tart shell from the oven on the baking sheet and lower the oven temperature to 325°F.
  • 同时,从1个葡萄柚中细腻地将其磨碎,然后挤压果汁。将果汁倒入量杯中,您应该有2/3至3/4杯。将果汁倒入一个小锅中,加入热情,然后用中火煮沸。煮至1/2杯,约4分钟。让冷却,然后通过细筛网过滤,将其推到皮上以提取所有果汁。将黄油放在小锅中,用低火融化;放在一边冷却。
  • In a bowl, whisk the eggs and yolk, then whisk in the superfine sugar. Continue to whisk until the sugar is well blended, then whisk in the juice, melted butter, and a pinch of salt. Brush the base of the tart shell with the beaten egg white, making sure it goes into all the holes. Return it to the oven, on a baking sheet, for 4 minutes.
  • Pour the filling into the tart shell, and bake until barely set, 15 to 18 minutes; the filling should still be wobbly, but not runny, in the center. Transfer the tart to a wire rack and allow to cool completely.
  • 将剩余的葡萄柚从上到下切成两半。将每一半切成大约1/8英寸的半月片。您需要大约20片。用羊皮纸将烤盘衬上,并在顶部放置一个大的电线架。
  • 将砂糖放入锅中,加水。放在低火上搅拌直至糖溶解,然后煮沸并煮沸1分钟。仅添加足够的葡萄柚片即可在糖浆中制成一层水果。盖上盖子,轻轻煮至髓透明,5至6分钟。用开槽的勺子,取出切片,沥干并将其转移到烤盘上的架子上。将剩余的切片分批添加,然后继续煮沸,直到煮熟为止。您需要16片才能进行蛋art,因此,如果1或2分开,请不要担心,您可以吃它们。
  • Mentally divide the tart into 8 portions. On each portion, place 2 slices of cooked grapefruit, overlapping them so the rind edge is to the outside and they make a stylized fish shape. You can, of course, cover the tart in cooked grapefruit slices, and while this looks very pretty, it makes the tart very difficult to cut. I prefer practicality to looks in this recipe.


This recipe makes twice the amount of pastry dough you’ll need. If not using the second disk of dough right away, it freezes well, wrapped in plastic.


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