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Herb-Marinated Skirt Steaks

Ben Fink

Servings:six to eight.

最好的味道nd tenderness, cook these steaks to medium rare or just barely medium. Thinner skirt steaks will cook more quickly. If you can’t grill these steaks, sear-roast them.

有关烧烤完美牛排的更多提示,请访问我们Guide to Grilling.


  • 4 lb. skirt steaks (about 3 or 4 steaks)
  • 12个丁香大蒜
  • 4 5-inch fresh sprigs rosemary
  • 16个小树枝新鲜百里香
  • 1汤匙。新鲜破裂的黑胡椒
  • Extra-virgin olive oil
  • 海盐
  • 1 recipePesto-Style Salsa Verde

Nutritional Information

  • Nutritional Sample Size based on eight servings
  • Calories (kcal) : 476
  • Fat Calories (kcal): 263
  • Fat (g): 29
  • Saturated Fat (g): 9
  • Polyunsaturated Fat (g): 2
  • 单不饱和脂肪(G):18
  • Cholesterol (mg): 129
  • Sodium (mg): 433
  • Carbohydrates (g): 2
  • Fiber (g): 0
  • Protein (g): 48


  • Trim the steaks of excess fat and cut into pieces that are of relatively even thickness and of manageable size. Smash the garlic cloves with the flat part of a heavy knife and then peel the cloves. Crush and tear the rosemary sprigs with your hands to release their perfume. In a medium-large bowl, combine the steaks with the herbs, garlic, pepper, and 6 Tbs. olive oil. Toss to coat well. Cover and refrigerate for one to two days.


  • 在烧烤前30分钟将牛排从冰箱中取出,然后刷掉草药猪笼草和大蒜。准备中型气体或木炭烧烤火。用盐调味牛排。在烤架上加油,然后将牛排烤2至3分钟,以使其中等稀有(每侧3至5分钟后较厚的牛排将是中等稀有的)。在干净的切菜板上休息10分钟,然后将其切成薄片。与莎莎佛得角一起服务。

To sear-roast the steaks:

  • 将烤箱加热到400°F。将架子放入有框的烤盘或烤盘中。让牛排在室温下静置30分钟。刷掉草药小树枝和大蒜,然后用盐调味牛排。用高火加热12英寸的炒锅,直到非常热。加入少量的橄榄油和尽可能多的牛排,而无需拥挤(如果有的话,请使用飞溅的屏幕)。烤直到第一侧变褐色,2至3分钟。翻转另一侧直至呈褐色,2至3分钟。(如果锅太热又烟熏,将热量降低到中等。)将牛排转移到烤盘上的架子上,并继续分批烤剩余的牛排。
  • 当所有牛排都被烤时,将它们烤在烤箱中,直到完成您的喜好为5至10分钟。让牛排静置10分钟,然后将其切成薄片。与莎莎佛得角一起服务。

Go all out for your first big cookout of the year. Serve the steaks withSun-Ripened Tomato & Olive Salad,your favorite potato salad,烤芦笋, andStrawberry-Rhubarb Cobbler with Honey对于甜点。和一个投手Strawberry-Melon Sangriamakes a crowd-pleasing drink.


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Reviews (3 reviews)

  • user-6961156|08/14/2020

    Waiting for more recipe article.

  • Chayska|12/29/2012

    This recipe is quick (in terms of hands-on time; the meat actually marinates a day or two), easy, and delicious. It can be enjoyed either as is (three members of my family prefer it this way), or with the related pesto-syle salsa verde (the other three prefer this). For whatever it's worth, the salsa verde recipe makes way more than my family will use during the meal, so I just refrigerate or freeze the leftovers to use the next time; they seem to keep indefinitely either way. Skirt steak is a less expensive cut of meat than many, so that's a plus, while the taste is rich and delicious. I'm back looking at this recipe because I served it to guests a few days ago and they requested the recipe. It's a winner!

  • jlawson|08/22/2008

    Please see the review of this dish attached to the salsa verde recipe listed as a "related recipe".

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