VYinLA| 07/06/2014
作为多年的订户,我认为这是最好的文章之一。从FC食谱。我已经做过几次了。它需要细腻的触感——曲奇确实很脆弱。我发现小心地铺上面糊就不会用涂了油的羊皮纸来抹平了。每当我操纵饼干时,我都会用羊皮纸来支撑它。切冰淇淋盒真的很有帮助。我更喜欢较厚的一面,例如3/4"-1",因为它也有点压扁。我发现把这12块切成24个矩形尺寸更好。一把长尺子是必不可少的。 Toppings really make a difference. Mini chips were nice, as are a crunchy chocolate sphere I get at a specialty store. The outside edges were still a bit messy so I gave them a fresh cut with a clean/wiped knife before wrapping in plastic. Vanilla ice cream is pretty and traditional, but I prefer more exciting flavors (e.g., coffee). The key to this recipe is to have a couple of days so you can do a step at a time.