将高汤放入一个中等炖锅中,用中火小火煮。取一个宽锅,中火加热,融化黄油。加入韭菜白,煮到它们开始变软,3到4分钟。加入米饭,不断搅拌,直到谷物完全被黄油覆盖,大约1分钟。加入酒,小火煮至吸收。加入2杯高汤,用小火煮,偶尔搅拌一下,直到吸收,约3分钟。加1/2茶匙。加盐,然后再加一杯高汤。烹饪,偶尔搅拌,直到液体被吸收。加入1/2杯高汤,现在搅拌更频繁。一旦液体被吸收,测试大米的成熟度:它应该是软的,但有一点咬。 If the rice needs more cooking, add another 1/2 cup stock. When the rice tastes nearly done, stir in the pea-parsley sauce and the reserved 3/4 cup peas. Raise the heat and cook briskly, stirring all the while until the rice is done and most of the sauce has been absorbed. Remove the pan from the heat, stir in the crème fraîche and the Parmigiano-Reggiano. Add the chervil or tarragon, season with a few grinds of pepper, and serve.