This peanut butter cookie is head and shoulders above the others; it’s a hefty sandwich cookie with great peanut flavor in both the chocolate-flecked cream filling and the crunchy-light cookie. This recipe can be mixed by hand or in an electric mixer—just be sure to use smooth peanut butter rather than chunky. You’ll get good results with Skippy.
2 oz. (2/3 cup) cake flour
1/4 tsp. salt
6盎司。(12 Tbs.) unsalted butter, completely softened at room temperature
3/4 cup smooth peanut butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 large egg
For the filling:
1-1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar
3 oz. (6 Tbs.) unsalted butter, softened at room temperature
3/4 cup smooth peanut butter
3 Tbs. heavy cream
1/4 cup coarsely chopped roasted unsalted peanuts
1/4 cup coarsely chopped semisweet chocolate, or mini semisweet chocolate chips
Nutritional Information
Nutritional Sample Size per cookie
Calories (kcal) : 390
Fat Calories (kcal): 230
Fat (g): 25
Polyunsaturated Fat (g): 4
Cholesterol (mg): 45
Sodium (mg): 290
Carbohydrates (g): 36
Fiber (g): 2
To make the cookies
将烤箱加热到350°F。用羊皮纸排在两个烤盘上。在一个中等大小的碗中,将两面粉,小苏打和盐筛选在一起。在电动搅拌机的碗中,将黄油,花生酱和糖奶油奶油奶油,并带有桨叶附件,直到轻巧蓬松。加入香草和鸡蛋;继续奶油直至光滑和蓬松,用电动搅拌机(手工更长)约3分钟。用手将面粉混合物搅拌直至结合;不要过度混合,否则饼干将很难。将汤匙的面糊掉落在衬里的烤盘上。用面粉的手指将每个击球手弄平为2英寸的圆圈。 Bake until the cookies are puffed and golden, 12 to 14 minutes, rotating the baking sheets if needed for even baking. Transfer the cookies to a rack to cool.
Instead of cross-hatching with a fork, use your fingers to press and decorate.
While the cookies cool, make the filling
In a small bowl, cream the confectioners’ sugar, butter, and peanut butter until smooth. Add the heavy cream; continue creaming until smooth and fluffy. Stir in the chopped peanuts and chocolate.
To assemble
Transfer the cooled cookies to a work surface, flipping half of them over. With an offset spatula or a butter knife, spread a scant teaspoon of filling onto each turned-over cookie. Set another wafer on top of each filled cookie, pressing gently to spread the filling. Store sealed at room temperature or in the refrigerator. An offset spatula is handy for spreading the cookie filling easily and evenly. A blunt table knife works, too.
I've made these many times since I first saw them in the Fine Cooking "Chocolate" magazine about 3 or 4 years ago. Friends and family are crazy about them! I really won't ever make a different peanut butter cookie. This one is all we need!Thank you!(Here is a link to my instagram with a picture of the ones I made last night!)
I somehow got an older version of this recipe when I printed it out so mine didn't turn out as good. They definitely need the entire 12 - 14 minutes to cook and you also really need to press them down. They don't spread very much. I will try them again by pressing them down and cooking a little longer. Mine were a bit chewy.