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Risotto Recipe: Create Your Own

Scott Phillips

小时候,我们每周都有意大利调味饭,这仍然是我最喜欢的家庭用餐的东西之一。这是可以简单的菜肴之一 - 只用储藏室中的几种成分制作,或者是自身的盛宴。蔬菜,蘑菇,海鲜,肉……意大利调味饭都很好。您可以每次都使用相同的基本技术创建具有新个性的菜肴。


  • 使用意大利短粒米品种such asArborioor Carnaroli. They’re shorter and plumper than long-grain rice and have considerably more starch. The starch is released during cooking, creating the distinctively soft, creamy texture of great risotto, while the kernels remain firm to the bite.
  • 烤米饭通过用汗水的芳香剂搅拌,将其与油很好地覆盖。这会形成核周围的胶囊,可防止过多的液体被吸收得太快。
  • 添加hot liquid incrementallyto slowly draw starch from the rice. As a general rule, you should prepare about three and a half times as much liquid as rice. You might not need all of it, depending on the pan and the intensity of the heat. Risotto can be tight and dense or soft and runny (所有人,在意大利语),取决于您的个人口味。对于宽松的质地,只需在不完全蒸发的情况下添加更多的肉汤。
  • Stir frequently.Risotto needs to be stirred often to prevent the released starches from scorching and to blend these starches with the fat and the flavoring ingredients. You can, however, take a short break after each addition of the liquid.

Master Risotto Recipe

Serves 6

Prep your meat and vegetable add-ins


Prepare your choice of肉和蔬菜附加(see options below) as directed.


Leeks, white part only, cut in thin slices: 2 cups, sautéed

Zucchini, cut into 2×1/8×1/8-inch strips: 2 cups, sautéed

Asparagus, cut in 1-inch pieces: 2 cups, sautéed

Butternut squash: 1 pound, peeled, seeded, roasted, and cut into 1/4-inch cubes

Shrimp: 1 lb. medium (51–60 count), peeled and deveined (no need to precook)

Bay scallops: 1 lb. (no need to precook)

香肠:6盎司。(大约2个链接),从外壳上移开,崩溃和炒 Bacon or pancetta: 6 oz. (about 6 slices), cut in 1/4-inch dice, sautéed 鸡肉,牛肉或猪肉:炖或烤,1杯,小点心

Start with hot broth

You can use plain water, but broth makes risotto more interesting. As a general rule, you should prepare about three and a half times as much liquid as rice. You might not need all of it, depending on the pan and the intensity of the heat.

Bring7 cups of liquid(see options below) almost to a boil in a large pot. Reduce the heat to very low; the liquid should stay hot but not simmer.

Choose one liquid

Vegetable broth

Chicken broth

Beef broth


Sweat the aromatics

Heat1/4杯超级橄榄油用中火在3至4夸脱的直式炒锅中至少宽10英寸或类似尺寸的荷兰烤箱中。添加2 cups of aromatics(see options below) and1/2 tsp. kosher salt, and cook slowly, stirring frequently with a wooden spoon until softened, 8 to 10 minutes.添加1/2 cup water,将热量降低至中低,然后继续烹饪,直到水完全消失,芳香剂柔软而闪闪发光,但不褐色,再增加5至10分钟。


Onions, chopped medium-fine


Leeks, chopped medium-fine


使用意大利短粒米品种such as Arborio or Carnaroli. They’re shorter and plumper than long-grain rice and have considerably more starch. The starch is released during cooking, creating the distinctively soft, creamy texture of great risotto. The rice is stirred in with the sweated aromatics and coated with oil or butter—a process called “toasting,” which forms a capsule around the kernels that prevents too much liquid from being absorbed too fast.

添加2杯烩饭米to the pan and raise the heat to medium. Cook, stirring constantly, to coat the rice with the oil, about 3 minutes. Toasted rice should still be white and glistening, but you should hear a clicking sound when you stir it.

倒入1cup dry white wine煮,不断搅拌,直到大部分被吸收为2至3分钟。

Create a foundation of flavor

If you want, choose one or two ingredients to be the main flavor backdrop for your risotto.

If using a风味粉底(可选,请参见下面的选择),现在将其搅拌到大米中。对于藏红花和干蘑菇,也加入浸泡液体(这意味着您可能不需要所有汤)。

Choose 1 or 2 flavor foundations (optional)





添加liquid in increments, then add-ins

如果尚未在意大利调味酱锅旁边的热汤(或水)锅,现在将其移至相邻的燃烧器。1-1/2至2杯热液体几乎没有覆盖米饭并不断搅拌。添加1/2 tsp. kosher salt,调节热量以保持温和的小火煮,并继续搅拌。当所有液体都被吸收时,米饭已经足够干燥,使搅拌的勺子留下了一条径,显示了锅底 - 在另一杯液体中伸出,再次搅拌直至全部吸收。继续以1杯增量添加液体,始终搅拌,直到米饭几乎但不完全牙齿为止。通常是在第一次添加液体后的12到16分钟。

当意大利调味饭几分钟离开巢穴te, add your prepped meat or vegetable add-ins. Continue stirring and ladling liquid as the rice cooks.


Many people think that only butter can properly finish risotto. While it certainly makes risotto creamier and, well, buttery, I think olive oil gives a cleaner, more pristine finish, and I prefer it on seafood and vegetable risottos.

After the addition of at least5 cups of liquid(16 to 20 minutes from the first liquid addition), taste the rice to determine whether it’s al dente and pleasantly creamy. If it is, remove it immediately from the heat. Otherwise, let it cook a little longer, incorporating more liquid (up to a total of 7 cups). Stir in1/2至1-1/2杯磨碎的奶酪(可选;请参见下面的选择),2至3汤匙。无盐黄油或额外的橄榄油,以及任何其他finishes of your choice(see options below), taste and adjust seasoning withsalt and freshly ground pepper。立即食用意大利调味饭。


Parmigiano Reggiano

Grana Padano

Pecorino romano or toscano

Choose one or more finish (optional)


Chopped basil: 2 to 3 Tbs.


Thinly sliced scallions (white and green parts): 3 to 4 Tbs.

Finely grated lemon zest: 1 tsp.

Finely grated orange zest: 1 tsp.

Balsamic vinegar: 1 to 2 tsp.


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