将芝麻菜撒在一个宽而浅的碗里。将一个大(最好是12英寸)煎锅用中火加热1分钟。倒入2 tb。让油在锅里翻滚。等到油开始闪闪发光,但不是冒烟的时候,均匀地加入茴香和洋葱。用盐和胡椒调味,让蔬菜不受干扰地烹饪,直到它们开始变成棕色,大约2分钟。偶尔搅拌一下,直到茴香和洋葱变软,有些地方变成深金黄色,大约再搅拌5分钟。如果蔬菜煮得太快,或者锅底开始烧糊,把火调到中火。(如果使用的是电炉,暂时把锅从炉子上拿开,让锅冷却。)在锅的中心留出空间,加入剩下的1/2 tb。 oil and then the garlic. Let cook until the garlic is fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add the orange juice and stir to combine with the vegetables. Pour the mixture over the arugula and toss to combine and to wilt the arugula. Season to taste with salt and pepper, sprinkle with the chopped olives and and serve immediately.